Need Help w/ Deadringer Problem (Fulltone Fulldrive II clone)

Started by Paul Marossy, March 05, 2013, 10:32:09 AM

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Paul Marossy

OK, well I'm not entirely sure it's really a problem but I am still going to ask.

I'm building one of these for a friend per the single sided layout HERE.

What seems to be a problem is that my "FCV" switch appears to not be wired correctly. The reason I think that is because the boost function only works on two of the three switch positions on the "FCV" switch. Two positions are obvious, but the other one I can not hear any boost whatsoever - not sure which position it is other than being one of the end throws - so down I get boost, middle I get boost and up I get no boost at all. The switch has to be a DPDT on-on-on switch (and it is) and functions like the picture shown here:

So is this normal for this pedal or is something wrong?

Paul Marossy

Paul Marossy

OK, so I guess I'm on my own. Just for the record, I think something is wrong with the layout and/or wiring. ALL of the switches make a popping noise and the drive, boost and tone controls all sound like they have DC on them depending on how the mos/sil & FCV switches are set.

Very annoying. I've already spent like five times as long as I should have trying to build this stupid thing.


Quote from: Paul Marossy on March 07, 2013, 09:45:04 AM
ALL of the switches make a popping noise and the drive, boost and tone controls all sound like they have DC on them depending on how the mos/sil & FCV switches are set.

Have you measured if they actually do have DC on them? I'd say investigate that lead, as it seems to indicate a real problem. Poke around with a multimeter. Check all connections, supposed track cuts, etc. where DC might be leaking into the wrong places.

p.s. I'm a n00b, so take my advice for what it's worth
Circular logic is best, because it's circular.

Paul Marossy

You can hear that there is DC on the pots somehow - the scratching noise is a dead giveaway.

If you watch a YouTube demo video of the real thing, there is no scratching when the pots are turned, and no popping from the bypass switch, boost switch or the two toggle switches. Right now every single switch pops.  :icon_mad:

Paul Marossy

OK, so now I feel like an idiot. I finally plugged this thing into a tube amp last night and tried it - no popping from any of the switches. But if I plug it into my little LM386 test amplifier, pop city, ALL the switches pop - and that's what I had been testing it with previously . So at least I feel like my sanity has been somewhat restored on this one.

Just added this for future reference, maybe it will help someone else.


Quote from: Paul Marossy on March 13, 2013, 09:58:12 AM
OK, so now I feel like an idiot. I finally plugged this thing into a tube amp last night and tried it - no popping from any of the switches. But if I plug it into my little LM386 test amplifier, pop city, ALL the switches pop - and that's what I had been testing it with previously . So at least I feel like my sanity has been somewhat restored on this one.

Just added this for future reference, maybe it will help someone else.

Pop is in the LM386 - see datasheet page 4: (input biasing)

Paul Marossy

Yeah, live and learn...  :icon_confused:

EDIT: Added for further clarification. See Reply #18 here -