Volume Pedal in Stompbox

Started by XtemeDudez, May 27, 2013, 03:01:21 PM

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Hey guys, Im looking to make a volume pedal in a stompbox. Like have one volume wheel as like a swell wheel and another volume wheel with like a dpdt switch beside it with a led, to have it as like a master volume.... how would i go about wiring all this?
Thanks!  :icon_razz:

Mark Hammer

You,re going to have to provide a few more details.  having a very difficult time forming a mental image of what you want.


so, you basically need two settings? 1. to set an overall volume with a pot. 2. to use a pot that can swell up to the maximum amount given on the 1st overall volume pot?
or am I talking about something completely different?
"If I could make noise with anything, I was going to"