BBE Soul Vibe Mod Gone Wrong

Started by paaitken, May 27, 2013, 05:45:32 PM

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Hi all, new member here but have read the boards for many years.

I have a BBE Soul Vibe, in which there is a 1k trim pot for adjusting the base frequency of the sweep. Another poster here suggested that a 1k panel mount pot could be used, thus bringing control to the front of the pedal.

Well, I attempted this mod and the pedal squealed like an out of control fuzz pedal, it picked up radio stations, and barely let the guitar signal through. The LED ceased to pulse with the speed of the vibe, in fact failing to light at all.! Figuring the pot might be the problem, I have reinstalled the trimpot, thus bringing the pedal back to stock. Yet, the pedal STILL squeals with all the symptoms just described! It squeals on both 9v battery and 9v DC power.

I cannot for the life of me figure out the problem. All the traces on the PCB look fine and all solder connections are good. I don't even know where to begin to diagnose the problem.

It's a real shame, this seemed like a pretty straightforward mod (in fact, I've done similar mods on pedals before!)

Thanks in advance for any help you all might have.

Electron Tornado

I'm going to guess that you did something inadvertantly in the course of performing the mod. It may have absolutely nothing to do with the mod itself. Have you taken an ohm meter and checked that everything that is supposed to be connected to ground is still connected to ground?
"Corn meal, gun powder, ham hocks, and guitar strings"

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