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Started by livinlavidaloca, June 11, 2013, 05:45:28 AM

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Please don't hate me for starting this thread, I know there's millions of topics on this on the net and I've been through most of them and I'm still not sure which delay pedal to build. I'd just like to sum up some opinions.

So basically, what do I want?

- available PCB
- appropriate for intermediate builder
- tails
- good sound/minimum noise

What are my options?

Echobase comes to mind first but I don't really need modulation. The Cave Dweller sounds great on clips but doesn't have tails ...

BTW, is tails really a compromise for the original signal?


Quote from: livinlavidaloca on June 11, 2013, 05:45:28 AM
Echobase comes to mind first but I don't really need modulation. The Cave Dweller sounds great on clips but doesn't have tails ...

BTW, is tails really a compromise for the original signal?

The Zero Point Micro is rather better than the Cave Dweller -well worth the extra $2, but still no tails.

It sounds like you want something like a Small Time, except you can't buy a PCB for that. Do you have moral objections to stripboard?


you may not need modulation, but the echo base is a good delay anyway, and maybe you'll want modulation in the future
If at first you don't succeed... use bigger transistors!


Echo Base all the way, and musicPCBs are a pleasure to solder.
If you don't want modulation - one of my favorite things about the Echo Base - simply bypass the speed and depth knobs.
Tails are DEFINITELY worth it. With a punch in momentary switch, it's like a mixing board under your foot.
"...and weird on top!"


In this case, +1 for Merlin's 'Small Time'.
The Echobase is great, but rather more than the OP was asking for.
I'm a refugee of the great dropbox purge of '17.
Project details (schematics, layouts, etc) are slowly being added here:


So glad I've seen this thread! The SmallTime is now on my list to build!


There is no Small Time pcb, is there?
"...and weird on top!"


You can add tails to pretty much any PT2399 delay either how Merlin did it in the Small Time or similar to my looper artifus pasted earlier, so don't get too hung up on having to find one that comes with it as standard.


The OP mentioned having an available PCB, but if vero/proto/etch is ok, then there are lots of options.
"...and weird on top!"


Thanks for all the replies!

psychedelicfish is right - maybe I'll want modulation in the future ... and if garcho recommends the PCB then it should be good for me ... I'd really prefer a PCB as I'm more or less a beginner, I've only built a handful of kits before and have absolutely no background on electronics, however I somehow managed to put a Neovibe together which sound great.

I think I'll just build the Echobase and then see if I need something else or not. But before I start ordering all the parts, tell me which mods do you think are a must? Btw, garcho, what exactly do you mean with the momentary switch - infinite delay or something?

Unless there are any tonal objections regarding the Echobase? Btw, I played a Dynacord Echocord Super (valve tape echo) for more than 3 years now but the background hiss and tone-suck just got to me. I know I can't expect the same delay sound from a DIY stompbox I just want a good sounding delay.


Quotebefore I start ordering all the parts, tell me which mods do you think are a must?

There is a PDF on the MusicPCB website that lists all the standard mods and how to wire them. I changed the modulation shape pot to a switch, since I only really used the extremes of the dial.

QuoteBtw, garcho, what exactly do you mean with the momentary switch - infinite delay or something?

One of the biggest complaints people have about delay pedals is that when you want to turn the effect off, let's say during the chorus of a song, the repeats are chopped off instead of ringing out to their 'natural' conclusion. It sounds like a malfunction. 'Tails' are what we call a delay that allows you, through electronic switching, to turn the effect off but allow the ongoing repeats to fade away instead of get chopped off.
A way to make that function even more functional is to wire a momentary switch in parallel to the regular latching switch so you can 'punch in'. Say you only want delay on that one quick strum in the middle of the song. Instead of having to click on and then off, with the momentary switch, you simply step on and the delay is on, you step off, and the delay is off but tails continue. It's like using a mixing board with sends. I rarely use my delay with the latching footswitch, because I usually just want delay for 'moments', not entire guitar parts.

QuoteUnless there are any tonal objections regarding the Echobase?
It's intended to sound like a tape delay, so don't expect crystal clear repeats or aural exciter style high end. I love the sound of the Echo Base, but it is limited by the lo-fi PT2399, a chip intended to go in karaoke machines. There can be a little distortion if you feed it too much signal, and delays work best towards the end of your signal, but again, that's not the Echo Base, that's just the PT2399. I don't have any problems with mine and I use it all the time.
"...and weird on top!"


Cool, I really like the idea of the 'punch in' momentary switch, I'll order the PCB soon. Thanks for all the info guys!!

John Lyons

Quote from: garcho on June 12, 2013, 10:33:26 AM
There is no Small Time pcb, is there?

There is one on Merlin's site. I built one, sounds nice.
Search the Small Time words. May be at frrreeee stompppp...
Basic Audio Pedals


I've soldered up the PCB for the Echo Base yesterday. Now, when I started this thread I said I'm an intermediate builder ... well, scratch that! I'm a beginner, total n00b ... I have no idea how to solder the connections to the power-jack and the input and output jacks  ...  ???

Can anybody help, please? Cheers!


Quote from: livinlavidaloca on July 19, 2013, 02:07:30 PM
I've soldered up the PCB for the Echo Base yesterday. Now, when I started this thread I said I'm an intermediate builder ... well, scratch that! I'm a beginner, total n00b ... I have no idea how to solder the connections to the power-jack and the input and output jacks  ...  ???

Can anybody help, please? Cheers!

Check page 4 of the PDF.

If you mean that you don't know which part is which on the jacks themselves, look up the datasheet for the parts you're using. (They're almost all the same, but generally you are encouraged to look up the datasheet whenever you're working with an unfamiliar part.)
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


"...and weird on top!"


Thanks for the replies, unfortunately that link doesn't work garcho. Nevertheless, I checked on the net how pedals are wired and now it works! And sound pretty good too!

It's not boxed yet so I didn't get a good feeling about the knobs, but the modulation seems to be a strong effect. Will see about that when it's finished.

Also, the LED doesn't work, maybe I just flipped + and -.

Btw, did you guys all do the 'humbucker-friendly' and 'diode lift' mods even if you're using single-coil pickups?


Never tried that but I read somewhere (maybe on the byoc forum?!) that you can have trails on the rebote, just make a resistor switchable. Looking at this schematic here it is the 15k res that sists between 1µ and 0.1 to ground/10k that goes to pin 16
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!


Sorry about that, re-posting the link:

check this out

and specifically, check this out
"...and weird on top!"