overdriving a recto

Started by Joe, June 15, 2013, 11:49:52 PM

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I recently bought an old Mesa "Racktifier". While breadboarding some circuits I noticed that some simpler diode-clipper circuits (Easy Drive, etc..) sounded fine through the clean channel but *terrible* when boosting the overdrive channels. Plain boosters without diode clippers sounded fine, as does my JYM pedal (DOD250 clone). The YJM is a diode-clipper too though, so I'm a little confused. :) What am I missing here?


If I'm reading your question right, t's probably the 'amount' of overdrive you're putting into the amp, Joe.   If you send a rounded signal - just mildly clipping - at a boosted amplitude, into an amplifier input, and then the amp clips THAT, you might get something pretty neat sounding.  The 'rounded edges' you have with mild overdrive are full of even harmonics of the original signal....2nd, 4th, 6th harmonics, which are pleasing to the ear and add sparkle and warmth to your tone.

If you throw a more square wave-ish signal into the same input, since it ALREADY has more odd-order harmonics (3rd, 5th, etc, which sound harsh naturally), you'll only enhance those odd harmonics with the amp's clipping circuitry.      Kind of like, there is nothing left to clip the 'usual way', so what gets 'transformed' are those odd harmonics, adding shrillness and coldness to your tone!!    It's a common phenomenon, and there are a couple of other factors involved too, but this is how I look at it.

Same as chaining distortion pedals....I don't even try, as I have never had anything but junk be the end result!!!
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


Thanks for the reply, makes sense although I'm still confused as to why the opamp circuits don't seem to have a problem. I guess its just "more compatible". :)


"overdriving a recto" also sounds terrible in spanish   ;D


Quote from: Joe on June 15, 2013, 11:49:52 PM
I recently bought an old Mesa "Racktifier". While breadboarding some circuits I noticed that some simpler diode-clipper circuits (Easy Drive, etc..) sounded fine through the clean channel but *terrible* when boosting the overdrive channels. Plain boosters without diode clippers sounded fine, as does my JYM pedal (DOD250 clone). The YJM is a diode-clipper too though, so I'm a little confused. :) What am I missing here?

The Maxon OD808 is probably the most popular pairing with Rectifiers. Though any Tube Screamer will work just as well. The mid hump is in just the right spot and they cut bass right where Rectos need it to get rid of the flub. Other overdrives I've used as boosts tend to make the low end a bit woofy, which might work fine on other amps, but it's exactly what you don't want for a Recto. It could be that the kind of clipping is less important as the EQ curve of the OD circuits you're trying.
Nyt brenhin gwir, gwr y mae reit idaw dywedut 'y brenhin wyf i'.


Thanks for the explanations, I'll just get the Maxon and be done if that's what everyone uses. The YJM is not bad (I changed the input cap to make it more like a dod250). I noticed if you keep the gain/level controls the same it sounds more balanced.


You mean you're going to buy a TS?!
Nyt brenhin gwir, gwr y mae reit idaw dywedut 'y brenhin wyf i'.