Setting up a transistor

Started by Rock_on, July 01, 2013, 08:20:04 AM

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Here comes the noob again hahaha

But this is now more simple than before

Questions are :

1.) how can i set a transistor's operating voltage (ex. 10mA @ 5v)

2.) what does Vb do? (i know a transistor need it to turn it ON but what i mean is, what's the difference between 2v and 3v? Does higher Vb = more gain? Im sure it's no, but what does it do?)

3.) if im using voltage divider as a biasing technique, what should be my Rtop and Rbottom value? ( i know that same value = half the voltage, but what i mean here is how much current do i need? Example, we know that using 2 50K or 2 10k is still = to half the voltage, but the current is different.)

That's it :D
Please answer


Please delete, sorry for the double post