Plextortion no output help

Started by teleholic, July 05, 2013, 04:26:26 PM

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Hi DIY-ers, I'm new here and apologize if this is the wrong section cos i have no idea where to post this.

I bought a used plextortion and after a year of usage the toggle switch gave way, so i decided to replace myself since there'd probably be no warranty and i dont live in the US. Things went well but while replacing the switch one of the wires to the output jack broke was easy to trace since i could see the broken off wire but after cleaning up and resoldering it back to the correct lug there's no output. While changing out the dpdt switch I found that it could be taken out of the circuit without affecting the output so i dont think thats the issue, what could i be doing wrong? Here's a picture, sorry but this is the best i can get from my iphone  :-[:

The wire in question is the topmost one on the left jack..i haven't touched anything else..Thanks for the help!