First time with veroboard. PLEASE verify.

Started by Thump-Lump, August 01, 2013, 01:57:07 AM

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Sorta guitar related.  My PSU in the Soundcraft mixer I have let out it's magic smoke.  I have been working with a couple people over at DIYAudio Forums to get a replacement linear PSU designed to replace the stock SMPS.  I have two designs worked out but, they are not that well versed at looking at Veroboard.  I know the people here are much more comfortable looking at Vero, and if some of you could, take a look at what I have come up with.  This will be my first time with Veroboard and just want to be sure I have it right.


Here is the schematic and vero layout for the first one.....

And the second one......

THANKS again for your time and effort getting a noob at vero sorted out.


Personally, I would never make a power supply on veroboard. Then again, I would never make anything on veroboard anyway, after my last experience... I would definitely never make a power supply on veroboard!
If at first you don't succeed... use bigger transistors!


Your vero chops are better than mine...

But I concede - as a lover of vero - that you will turn the board into strips of fuses or a lump of slag trying to put any real current/volts through it. Might look cool bro  :icon_wink:


I only downloaded DIYLC less than a week ago.  Same with EAGLE to do the schematics.  From what I have read about the amp draw the mixer puts on the PSU, it only amounts to around 500ma for both the +15v & -15v  and the +48v as well. Max on the +48 would be 20ma. The transformer I plan to use is rated at 20VA so I should have that covered.

Anyone see any mistakes?  I would rather not let out the magic smoke when I power it up.  :icon_biggrin:


24v @ 1.5amp can destroy vero less impressively but over time.

Actually don't quote me on that - I think thats what i did but it was a long time ago, I know I was using an old ink jet power supply so the numbers are about right.

Strips lifted off the backing and shorted as they twisted.. I wish I'd had a time delay camera in there like they point at flowers on botany shows.

Just fair warning mate - maybe include a window in the enclosure... and a camera...   :icon_smile:


Max draw on the 15v rails would be no more than about 250ma, with normal, for my use, more like 50ma and only about 10ma on the 48v rail.


I've only had a quick look so there may be other errors but the LM337s are wrong on both your layouts, the pinout isn't the same as the LM317, check the datasheet.
You may want to leave a bit of room around the regulators for heatsinks.


Yep....I missed that one, Slacker.  The IN and OUT pins are swapped between the 317 and the 337.  Good catch. :icon_smile:


This should be better.  BTW....Is there any way to change the order of the component list at the bottom? It would be nice to see R1, R2, R3, R4 or C1, C2, C3, C4.........etc.


I scored a cheap single channel from an old Soundcraft ( Can't think of the model No. at the moment ) to make a recording channel strip.
I'd been struggling to find a convincing PSU option , When just last week  I found this -

I'm hoping to put it all together over the weekend.

Digital Larry

One of the reasons I think the paid version of VeeCAD is worth $27, is that the program will highlight the current net when you click on anything, so you can see exactly where it goes on the board.  I put a pretty high price tag on my time, which has made my life easier.
Digital Larry
Want to quickly design your own effects patches for the Spin FV-1 DSP chip?