kit or design similar to the fuzzbubble 45?

Started by JohnForeman, September 03, 2013, 02:52:23 PM

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I'm looking for a design that is similar to the fuzzbubble 45.  something with both an overdrive and fuzz in the same box.  Or is this nothing more than a fuzzface and some other OD that can be built by putting those two PCB's in the same box?


It's gooped. Good luck.

Some large blonde fender emulator or Hi-Watt emulator + a fuzz face with pregain will get you close enough. Also, the fuzz side isn't a straight-up fuzz face. It's got clipping diodes and a pre-gain control, and it's definitely NPN.

You can combine any two effects you want in the same box (well, almost), so why copy someone else's pedal?
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


Quote from: midwayfair on September 03, 2013, 03:18:09 PM
It's gooped. Good luck.

Some large blonde fender emulator or Hi-Watt emulator + a fuzz face with pregain will get you close enough. Also, the fuzz side isn't a straight-up fuzz face. It's got clipping diodes and a pre-gain control, and it's definitely NPN.

You can combine any two effects you want in the same box (well, almost), so why copy someone else's pedal?

thanks midway.  would you have a suggestion on what emulator and what fuzz to build?  All I have right now is a Tubescreamer that I built from tonepad and i'm looking for a fuzz and another overdrive.  I guess i don't really need them both in the same enclosure and i want to be sure not to unknowingly build another tube screamer.  I'm not an electronics guy by any stretch of the imagination, just  guitar player and tinkerer.  I'm sure I will have many more pedals in the future so if i build something i don't like, i can always build something else.


I'm coming out of my ears with suggestions. You'll have to get specific. What amp and guitar do you use? Is there a particular distortion sound on a particular song you love the sound of that you'd like to emulate?

I could tell you what my favorite combo is, but I don't know how useful that would be.

I can tell you that my favorite amp emulators are mostly Runoff Groove circuits. The Azabache will do 'Fender Blonde' like an absolute, um, champ. The easyface is an excellent fuzz face variant, and Smallbear sells a transistor set for it. Both of these options, however, are a little tougher than a kit, and the Azabache in particular is not, I'd say, a beginner build (I don't know how experienced you are). The good news is that there are multiple PCB versions for the Azabache now (Ronin on this forum has one and Thomas Hoffman sells PCBs for a bunch of RoG circuits).
My band, Midway Fair: Myself's music and things I make: DIY pedal demos: PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from!


So Jon,  you mean to tell me if I said i wanted to paint my guitar red and asked what the best color red to use, you wouldn't have an answer for me?  lol
I play mostly blues and country rock.  Not looking to match any particular guitar players sound as I like to come up with my own sounds.  I love all the the classic tones.  My guitars are LP, SG, ES-335, HSS Strat.  No Tele yet but its on the list.
My amps are a Vox AC4TV and a Peavey Classic 30.
The only distortion pedal i have is the Tube screamer i mentioned earlier.  It has the sym/asym clipping switch and the ts9 switch, built from the tonepad PCB.  I love the pedal and I'll be building another one with switchable dual controls because I find myself moving between a few different settings.
For my next non TS distortion, I'm looking for something that will give a good clean OD, similar to what I get out of my TS when i have the gain turned down, but something with a little more bite.  I was thinking classic british sound.  I'll have to do a little research on the 'fender blonde' sound.  But I also want a little more distortion bite when i crank up the gain.  Similar to what I get when I use my TS in front of the OD channel on the Peavey.  Good screaming harmonics but no mud on the bottom end.
For the fuzz, i'm totally at a loss.  I've never had a fuzz.  I would say for the fuzz, tell me what you like and i'll do some youtube searches.  I know that you have some pedal designs ( your blue warbler is on my list as soon as you get the PCB done), so if you have a fuzz design you did, suggest it, i'll build it.
As for my building skills.  I can build anything as long as it comes with instructions.  My soldering skills are as good as anyone's I guess.  Iv'e dabbled for years in micro controllers so reading schematics are not too much of a problem for me.  But as you probably know that with micro controllers, you hook up the basic in/out circuit then the rest is handled with code, which is my strong skill set.
Ok... so is that a good enough color of the red i'm looking for?