Boss DC-2 mini stompbox

Started by DasTarD, September 25, 2013, 10:07:56 AM

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Hi, i have an idead of creating a Boss DC-2 but only with effect nr.2
So no knobs or anything, just one button, if pressed, the DC-2 effect nr.2 is on...with a light.
How do i start building such a box ?
I know someone who can help me build it, but then i need a schematic of the thing the way i described above.
Can anyone help me ?

Mark Hammer

Ummm, this is not a build project for the faint of heart, or beginners.  The nature of your questions suggests you are not highly experienced in this game.  There are a LOT of opportunities for noise, plus there are a lot of chips involved.  So, I have full confidence in your motivation, persistence, ability to learn, etc., but there could be months of troubleshooting ahead.  This is not the most efficient (or even cheapest) path to making the sounds you want to make.

Behringer makes an inexpensive clone of the DC-2, I'd recommend buying one and saving yourself some grief.


I know a little, but a colleague of mine knows more.
I own the original Boss DC-2 but for a pedal board i want to make that clone with only the one effect.


Quote from: DasTarD on September 25, 2013, 10:07:56 AM
Hi, i have an idead of creating a Boss DC-2 but only with effect nr.2
So no knobs or anything, just one button, if pressed, the DC-2 effect nr.2 is on...with a light.
How do i start building such a box ?
I know someone who can help me build it, but then i need a schematic of the thing the way i described above.
Can anyone help me ?

You want someone to go through this circuit, modify/remove/replace components, basically reengineer this circuit to where it is preset to a particular setting that you like. Correct?

You are asking quite a lot!

This is not a five minute ordeal.

Would you like us to design the board as well?  :icon_wink:

I think that you should roll up you sleeves, dig in to this forum for a while, and learn what the different parts of the circuit are doing.
Mark is correct in saying that this is no easy undertaking!
There is a wealth of information available here and on the net. This forum has many sharp individuals who would be glad to help you along the way.

If you took the "bull by the horns" and made this happen yourself.....I know that you would feel a much bigger sense of accomplishment at days end!
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


The whole idea is to make it by myself, because i do want to learn it.
So my next step is going to be to analyze the whole pedal, and then dive into the schematics and with help from 2 colleague's , i might pull this off :-)


The schematic is out there.  It would be easy enough to pull out the three switch options you don't want and hard-wire what's left.  But the rest of the circuit is a monster!  I'm with Mark: buy one (if you can find one) or buy the Behringer.  Or if you want something that's a sound-alike, search this forum for the Dimension-P.  Much simpler to build and much easier to understand (and more flexible than the DC-2).
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