I can't get anything to work. Please help.

Started by Smashup, September 26, 2013, 01:17:33 PM

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I just started trying to build my own pedals about a week ago. I've been trying to build a simple distortion pedal. I found and tried a few designs that looked really easy but i get everything connected and it doesn't work. I go back and check my connections and try switching things around. with some of these pedals i used parts that were a little different than what was listed but there are others I used what it called for. Linked below are some that I tried.
http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-an-easy-guitar-distortion-pedal-STEP-BY-STEP/   http://www.tonefiend.com//wp-content/uploads/DIY-Club-Project-1-Part-14-v03.pdf     

The one thing I know was a different part was that used a 3904 transistor other than that the parts were the same, I think.   Thank you for any help.


Did you make three circuits from the links you provided?

You need to give us more information so we can help you i think.

Post some pictures and links to the schematics etc

In fact this is a good place to start so you can provide us with some info so we can better help you .


Welcome to the forum by the way.
Ma throats as dry as an overcooked kipper.

Smoke me a Kipper. I'll be back for breakfast.

Grey Paper.



The tonefiend project you listed was the first project I ever took on too.  It's a fantastic walk through and I'd HIGHLY recommend going through the steps suggested (breadboard, experiment, etc).

Like others have said, though, pics or more details on your build are the only way we can really give meaningful recommendations.


Yes, the links I posted are the ones I tried. I'm at work right now so I'll try to post pics tonight when I get home. One thing that i had happen, I'll have to check which one this happened on, when I took out the transistor out nothing changed. Usually the circuit is complete and I get sound out of my amp but there's no distortion and pretty much sounds like it does when I just plug directly into the amp. When I get home from work I'll post some pics and try to give better details..  Thank you.



The tonefiend article is better to start with because Joe walks you through breadboarding the circuit. If it won't work on the breadboard, it definitely won't work as a soldered build. Getting your first circuit working from a vetted build is a matter of finding every last difference (which can be very small!) between what you are shown and what you have done. If you have already soldered, back up and start on the breadboard. My Beginner Dos and Don'ts might be helpful:


I do have an issue with Joe's breadboard layout; when I show one of these, I'm compulsive about squaring off connections and establishing clean lines. This makes it easy to see mistakes and to document if necessary. "Scattershot" can be OK once you have some experience and are in a hurry to try out an idea.


Thanks I read the link and I am using a breadboard. I definitely am doing some the don'ts so I'm gonna take look at my project tomorrow. I'm probably going to go with one of the tone fiend designs.


That first link has a 100uf input capacitor?  Double check that value, also which direction it is oriented since the diagram doesn't show and it is presumably an electrolytic.  Unless of course it's supposed to be 100nf.  10uf is probably 10uf, but it needs to be pointed in the right direction.

Do you have a multimeter?  Gotta have a multimeter.


No I don't have one I'm gonna buy one tomorrow. Have any of you done the one from instructables? That's the one I tried first.


One of my first builds was the Tweak-O https://www.smallbearelec.com/Projects/TweakO/TweakO.htm
I can verify that it works. If you happen to have the parts needed, give it a shot. Very detailed build instructions.  I built two, one with silicon diodes and one with germanium diodes. I prefer the germanium one.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us - Emerson


Quote from: Smashup on September 27, 2013, 12:04:23 AM
Have any of you done the one from instructables?

I have not build exactly that. However, it is similar enough to the Electra, which just about everyone here has built, that I can say a few things that might help you:

What is shown in the layout drawing will work, though I would make the input capacitor .1 mf or so rather than 100 mf. Other than poor soldering, the most likely reasons it would not work would be either a mistake in wiring, a really wrong resistor value, or mis-wiring the jacks. I should add that it has no provision for adjusting volume or distortion, but the builder probably left those out to reduce component count to the bare minimum--compromises.

Yea, stick with the Tonefiend breadboard job to start.


Quote from: MaxPower on September 27, 2013, 01:28:07 AM
One of my first builds was the Tweak-O https://www.smallbearelec.com/Projects/TweakO/TweakO.htm
I can verify that it works.

The advantage of a kit like the Tweak-O is that there is no doubt that all of the parts are exactly right, and the documentation and instructions have been extensively vetted. If you were to buy it, though, I would still suggest breadboarding before you commit to solder. That way, once it works, you know in your bones that all of the components are good, and any future problems relate to small errors that have to be teased out.


I just put together the bulk fuzz, tonefiend project 2, and it seems to be working. I must of been reading something wrong.


Quote from: Smashup on September 27, 2013, 09:02:58 AM
I just put together the bulk fuzz, tonefiend project 2, and it seems to be working. I must of been reading something wrong.

Welcome to the fray/addiction
"I want to build a delay, but I don't have the time."