New wiring idea, need help.

Started by Rock_on, November 06, 2013, 04:49:05 AM

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So I'm enjoying the blend knob in my strat (it's the parallel version) and I really loved it. And I already tried the Bridge + Mid series switch, I liked it also, but I want something new.

So what I want to do now is make it (The Blend) series. I know there's a series version but it's totally different from what I want.

The series version:
(Blend Knob at 0, Full Blend)
1 Bridge + Mid series
2 Mid
3 Mid
4 Mid
5 Neck + Mid

The parallel version:
(Blend Knob at 0, Full Blend)
1 Bridge + Neck Parallel
2 Bridge + Mid + Neck Parallel
3 Mid
4 Neck + Mid + Bridge Parallel
5 Neck + Bridge Parallel

I still want that Parallel Configuration, the only thing I want to change is how the Bridge and Neck blend, I want them in series so it should be like this

Blend Knob at 0, Full Blend
1 Bridge + Neck series
2 (Bridge + Mid parallel) + Neck series
3 Mid
4 (Neck + Mid parallel) + Neck series
5 Neck + Bridge series

Is this possible? I wish it is...


QuoteBlend Knob at 0, Full Blend
1 Bridge + Neck series
2 (Bridge + Mid parallel) + Neck series
3 Mid
4 (Neck + Mid parallel) + Neck series
5 Neck + Bridge series

Sorry, but I find your post a little confusing. Is "Blend Knob" a switch or a potentiometer? Or is there a blend knob and a pickup selector switch? in that case, what does the blend knob do? What do you mean by full blend?.. a little more thorough explanation of the desired controls on your guitar panel would be nice  ;)
Quote4 (Neck + Mid parallel) + Neck series
Do you mean (neck + mid parallel) + mid series? 


A schematic or wiring diagram would help immensely here.  This shouldn't be all that difficult to hack together.  It would be nice to know what exactly you've got to work with.  It seems obvious to me that you're using a standard Strat-style 5-way, but what else is going on?  What kind of pot are you using for the blend?  Have you still got the two tones going on, or...???

The first two lists have the Mid being blended in, while the third has the Neck blended in.  That's not a huge deal, but it does make a bit of difference.

(Neck + Mid parallel) + Neck series doesn't work, for the same reason that the first list you show has all 3 middle switch positions listed as Mid.  One of the pickups pretty much has to end up shorted at the 5-way.

Actually, that #4 is pretty much going to have to end up the same as #2, unless you're willing to go to a Superswitch.


oops sorry, i meant (Necck + Mid parallel) + Bridge series.

hmm, The original Blend Knob mod for strat makes the 3 control (which is the mid PU tone control) into a Blend knob, then the 2nd knob (which is the neck PU tone control) into a master tone control.

so basically, what the blend knob do, blends the bridge and neck PU together. It is off when it is 10 and full on when 0, half when 5. It's up to you on how you want them to blend...

The blending I want is Series. This mod that i have explained is parallel.

or this one (More clear)

Is it clear now guys? just tell me so i can clear things up.

This Mod would give you this configuration when you activated the blend knob (any value, from 1-9; i converted my pot into a no-load pot so when it's on 10 it's total off)

1 Bridge
2 Bridge + Mid parallel + Neck Parallel
3 Mid
4 Neck + Mid + Bridge Parallel
5 Neck

I searched the internet, and i have found a series version... but i dont like it.. that mod would give you this
(when you full activated it)

1 Bridge +Mid Series
2 Mid
3 Mid
4 Mid
5 Neck + Mid Series

I dont want Mid in 3 positions.. I like how to parallel blend mod blend pickups.. get what i mean? the only thing i dont want from it is that it connects them in parallel, i want them in series. I want them like this:

1 Bridge
2 (Bridge + Mid parallel) + Neck series
3 Mid
4 (Neck + Mid parallel) + Bridge series
5 Neck


The pics help!  But now the "what you want" is different from the first post.  ???

What you have now (the parallel version) basically connects the bridge and neck together in parallel, so that any time one of them is selected on the 5-way, they both come on.

What you said you wanted in the first post (the series version, with #4 corrected per your most recent post) basically put the neck and bridge in series so that if either was selected you got both.  It can't work that way with the parts you've got now.  If you put the bridge pickup on the "top of the series stack" then position 1 and 2 will work as intended, but the neck lug on the five-way will be getting the signal from "the middle of the series stack".  In 4 and 5 the "top" of the bridge pickup will be connected to nothing, and those positions will be the same as standard strat except for possible extra noise injected from the unterminated bridge pickup "hanging from hot".  Put the neck pickup on "top of the stack" and you have similar problems.

Your most recent post show that you want the mid pickup in series with either bridge or neck depending on the position of the 5-way, but only in the 2 and 4 positions.  This can't work with the parts you have for a couple of reasons.  Look at the series pic you've shown.  Follow the signal from ground, through the pickups and switch to the V control.  I think you'll find that in position 2, both ends of the bridge pickup are connected together at the switch.  Bridge pickup can't make any sound that way.  Same problem with the neck at #4.

I'd be willing to bet that you can get what you want, but it's going to take:
A - Clarification of exactly what that is, and
2 - At the very least a true 5T switch (rather than a 3T with shorting "in-betweens") and probably one with more than 2 poles.  Most likely a 4P5T Superswitch will do it, but I haven't worked it out all the way just yet.

BTW - This thread is pretty far off topic for this forum.  It is exactly the kind of thing that we do over at GuitarNutz.  In fact, somebody over there has probably already worked it out.


Oh gee, thanks for noticing that. It's 3:00AM in the morning when i posted it, i really feel sleepy last night.

I want if possible, using a blend knob only... No switches:

Full Blend on
1 Bridge + Neck Series
2 (Bridge + Mid Parallel) + Neck Series
3 Mid
4 (Neck + Mid Parallel) + Bridge Series
5 Neck + Mid Series

Push/Pull Pots is not available here. If you could send me one here I would be very happy.

Any similar mods atleast??  :icon_cry:


See, now that's different again!  Am I to assume that #5 is supposed to be Neck and Bridge in series?

I have a kinda crazy idea.  Would you be willing to allow that blend pot to short whichever of N or B you don't want, so that a 0 it's all N and at 10 it's all B, with the "both in series" being in the middle?  You'd have to use a linear pot, and might need to go bigger - to 500K maybe?

With Blend at 5 you'd have the selections you say you want.

With Blend at 0 you'd get N, N+M, M, N+M, N
With Blend at 10 you'd get B, B+M, M, B+M, B

If that would work, you could go to a Tele-style 3-way switch, to remove the redundancies.  Then you'd have, with Blend at 5:  (N*B), (N*B) + M, M.  Where * means a series connection and + means parallel.  You choose between N and B by turning the knob toward the pickup you want.

That's about the closest I can think of to what you're hoping for, and it's kinda half-assed and strange.  Otherwise, you're going to need some other parts.  Can you get a 4P5T Superswitch, or any form of rotaries?

Again, you'll probably get a lot more help on this over at GN2.  Tell them I sent you.  Neither of us will get anything out of the referral, but...


I'll go with the rotaries... I have no experience with it, would that hurt the appearance of my strat?

i mean, would i drill another hole? or just remove the last tone control and insert that then put the tone control Cap (not capacitor, i mean the cap; the one you see in amp eq controls) ??