boogyman questions... slightly different

Started by screamersusa, November 24, 2013, 09:36:49 AM

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I'm working on something along the lines of the boogyman. I haven't built one due to the reviews
that seem to suggest it has way too much gain. It looks like a direct tube to fet.
Since im not feeding a tube amp with it I'm going about it differently and need guidance with choosing a
dynamic clipping section. Seems like most pedals rely on a nice tube amp to bring them to life.

Currently its a tweaked carvin SX fet sx200 pre stage that will be switched around to different
channels. I have the boogyman eq and a modded marshall type eq with same curve but more low end
roll off, fed by a bs170 gain stage. Its clean as hell and has a nice warm rich punch. I have the boogyman tail end filters
built on a module (I'm building a modular system).
Should I try the boogyman last two stages with the 22uf caps removed and add a third stage (tweaking gain of course),
or something like two cascaded supro deux clipping sections? (Trying to preserve some harmonics)
I'd like a little compression like an Engl, and smoother liquid clipping like a Mark2c.
I've beaten Bs170 clippers to death and they seem to go to square waves too fast and sound
very marshally. I'm trying to get a living breathing type clipping stage not op amp diode choked type.
I'm trying to go from slightly clipped (or less) to just above mid gain rock.
I'll be making the pre eq switchable between the mesa type and a marshall grind.
I'll have to use J201's or mpf102's. Can someone suggest a good treble peaker to put between
j201 stages to restore some top end sparkle? I did build a treble peaker selection module with
an 8 pos dip switch. 6 peaker caps, 2 cut caps (see engl/soldano) across a 500k pot.

How this thing gets used: direct to eq, feeds poweramp input on Randall rg75, or
direct to eq through room sim/cab sim to record or practice, or direct to self powered speakers.
I'm not playing out for awhile. It's not intended to go into rectumfryer territory. :)
Using true rta as spectrum analyzer and audio oscilliscope to set sections.


Hmmm.. Does anyone have a simple formula for scaling that 22uf cap and following
resistor to compliment the j201 gain/clipping curve in a more correct fashion?
Or am I barking up the wrong tree here? :P