Need help with Engineer's Thumb compressor build

Started by LoonDawg, December 31, 2013, 04:11:07 PM

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Very interesting!
Will see if I can adopt to my kit version.
Many thanks,  was not aware that others had the same issue as me.
"Should have breadboarded it first"


Yes many people reported this issue and many has solved it in different ways. I have downloaded like 10 different building docs, schematics, etc..  ..and I have read build reports in sabrotone, tagboardeffects, effectslayouts, etc..     

I think the most important tips were the 220K resistors for release and threshold, and the B500K for release pot. I didnĀ“t put the 100 Ohm resistor for attack showed in some layouts.

I used the LF353P because they were great in my orange squeezer build, there was a little distortion until I changed the opamp that time.

The ratio pot is inverted in the layout, so if you are going to put the 4.7K resistor with the lug 2, better you put this one the way it is.

I spent the afternoon testing my circuit and works pretty good, I am happy with it.
