LED driver utility board - free simple OSH design

Started by electrosonic, February 06, 2014, 01:52:38 PM

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I made a small 1/2" x 1/2" board to add an led indicator to a project. They cost $1.25 for three boards from OSH Park, maybe some will find this useful.  The idea is you mount the led then attach the board to the led, I think the board is small enough so it won't be a problem. Not verified - so please let me know if I screwed something up - use at your own risk.

This turns the LED on when the signal goes high. I haven't checked but you could probably rewire the same board with a PNP so the LED lights when the input goes low.

The .brd file is here - https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/30050282/led%20driver%201.0.brd



So the LED lights up when you are playing and turns off when you are silent?


I'm not sure if it would be bright enough with guitar signal - I think maybe the OP is refering to a 5V source?


I guess I wasn't clear enough about what this is for. It is not meant for a guitar signal, it is a small add-on board for adding LED status.

It could be used to add a LED to a LFO to show its rate (without loading down the LFO much).

Or add an LED to a compressor to show when it is compressing

In another thread I was looking at my ancient BOSS PH-1, the LED doesn't toggle like all modern pedals (it only lights when the footswitch is pressed). I can use this and tap into the flip flop have the LED status behave like modern pedals.

Nothing new here, but it is simple and small and cheap.