Any cab simulator circuit worth building?

Started by emosms, February 17, 2014, 10:33:30 AM

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For a while I have wanted to build a cab sim and the schematic in Jims post on the top of page 2 seems pretty simple and I think I have all the parts

I made this vero layout in the train on my way home from work yesterday.

I have checked the nodes and it looks OK. If you see anything wrong, let me know.
"Rick, your work is almost disgusting, it's so beautiful.  Meaning: it's so darned pretty that when I look at my own stuff, it makes me want to puke my guts out."


I built Davison's Easy Cab Sim (DECS) and Sabrotone's Rev2 of the Marshall Cab Sim.  I tested them with a Madbean Boneyard V1, and felt that Davison's nerfed the distortion too much, to the point that there was no difference between the High and Low gain channels.  Rev2 was better than Rev1, and much better than DECS.  Not sure if it's quite there yet though, but it's better than the cab sim on my Behringer Ultra-GI.

There's no image in the post above me - I'd love to make it as I have a stack of BC549 kicking around somewhere.  Maybe I'll get off my arse and have a crack at it myself.


Quote from: Willypp on January 02, 2015, 04:52:13 AM

There's no image in the post above me - I'd love to make it as I have a stack of BC549 kicking around somewhere.  Maybe I'll get off my arse and have a crack at it myself.

The layout is saved in the gallery. Here's a direct link:

Let me know if you still have problems.

"Rick, your work is almost disgusting, it's so beautiful.  Meaning: it's so darned pretty that when I look at my own stuff, it makes me want to puke my guts out."


So just wanted to say I just built the simple cab sim by Lart (vero layout by YerayM, and it works beautifully. It took me some effort to get it to work as it's quite a dense veroboard.
For the output, I put on a switch to select between a simple jack out or a headphone amp (

Thanks for all the information guys.

Curious to hear the difference between transistors (BC5X0C vs 2N390X). My build is with BC5X0C.



Just as an update to my build of the simple cabsim v2:

I finally got around to getting some j201, and replaced the 2nXXXX that I had in there.  The circuit now works, or at least passes signal.  I haven't had much of a chance yet to make a call on how it sounds but now it's working at least.


Hi everyone...dredging this one up again in hopes of finding some advice...

I wired up Lart's "Simple Cab Rev2.0" using YerayM's vero layout, test drove a few options for Q2 and Q3 (settled on "b" flavours of the recommended BC5XX models), and closed the box.  It definitely creates more of a "pedals into an amp" sound than the pedals do on their own but doesn't come that close to really plugging them into a real amp.  More worrisome to me though is this VERY subtle "ring" overtone (best description I have but maybe not entirely accurate) that I swear I hear on everything.  When I run the sim into a real amp (which defeats the purpose, I know), the subtle overtone becomes MUCH more pronounced.  I'm wondering if it's a poor solder connection somewhere and I plan to investigate that but I can't help but wonder if anyone else might have a more educated guess on what might be causing the ring/whistle/feedback?


Surprise, surprise...a solder bridge!  Removed that and removed the "overtone"...

After playing direct to my recording interface, however, the output was fading in and out. Checked a few suspects but I'm pretty sure two of the transistors were loose in their sockets so I added a quick touch of solder to each of the end sockets and all seems well...for now... :icon_lol:


two things - clip those tails, as seen on the right hand jack. the fewer tags of wire, the fewer chances of odd shorts.
and - that black mat - did it come with IC's stuck in it? or is it a dark scotchbrite? if it came w/ IC's, it would suggest antistatic properties, which means conductive ......

it's a good looking and clean box.
Hey, Scoop - how's your security clearance?

Check your Signal level there, Scoop - I thought you said witchhunt.


Thanks 'D_A'

The black mat is just the "loop" side of some velcro stuck to a piece of double sided tape.  I figured that would keep the board off the aluminum enclosure while, at the same time, "hooking" it in place by catching on some of my soldering.  That should be safe, no?

I will definitely try to tidy up the "tails"...a couple of them look worse than they are due to the angle and lighting of the photo but that lower right jack tip connection should be trimmed.  I actually tried to get it during the build but it is at the "bottom" (the tabs on the left jack are at the "top") and my cutters are too big to get down in there...


use and abuse of velcro. not only safe, but quite a good idea - does it work well? you should maybe cross post the idea in the "velcro is funny" thread, or the "how to hold my board in my enclosure" thread (not their real names).
Hey, Scoop - how's your security clearance?

Check your Signal level there, Scoop - I thought you said witchhunt.

debrad far, so good!  It's the first time I've tried it so I guess we'll see what happens after hanging upside down for a while!


I built the Simple Cabsim Rev2.0, and there is a noticeable drop in volume.  Is this normal?

Also, anyone do a vero layout for the Hot Line 2?


Quote from: caspercody on February 12, 2018, 08:40:17 PM
anyone do a vero layout for the Hot Line 2?

Here ya go, I've yet to verify it though. Should I make a new post for this? It's my first vero layout :icon_redface:

EDIT v1.1: Looks like I can get away with a couple fewer links and cuts, plus the wiring is more "in order". ;)

"Tagawasak ng pekpek" (I'm smarter than you think)

Boxed builds: TS9, Rat, Blue Box, Pitch Pirate, Deep Blue Delay, Equinox II, CE-2 (in progress)


Do you have the schematic you used to make this vero? I might have time in the next couple of nights to review it.


All the info is here in Russian:

(I've updated my layout a bit as well)
"Tagawasak ng pekpek" (I'm smarter than you think)

Boxed builds: TS9, Rat, Blue Box, Pitch Pirate, Deep Blue Delay, Equinox II, CE-2 (in progress)


I just built a V30 simulator from the great KMG.

Someone else did up the vero, but I just verified it works. But, add a 1M resistir at beginning of circuit, and 100K at end to eliminate popping noise.

This is a great cab simulator!!! It has a small volume drop, which i am hoping someone here could help with?



Quote from: caspercody on February 12, 2018, 08:40:17 PM
I built the Simple Cabsim Rev2.0, and there is a noticeable drop in volume.  Is this normal?

Also, anyone do a vero layout for the Hot Line 2?

I've had the same experience with the simple cabsim. I ended up boxing it with an AMZ mosfet booster in the same box  :icon_mrgreen:


rob, have you a better resolution schematic image?


chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


You can find schematic and pcb on KMG's website, here



Hope these are better. I added more voltage (18v, and 32v) thinking it might make it louder, but it did not.

I also did up the Marshall Speaker cabinet found on Tonepad. This one works, but is very loud, way over unity gain. Added a 100K pot at end to control volume, but when turned down to barely let through full signal, it is still louder then unity gain. Would a bigger pot value give me more control?