My mediocre contribution: True/Buffered Bypass Mode Switch

Started by MrStab, February 24, 2014, 08:55:29 PM

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Hi guys,

well, anyone could've come up with this, but i tried it out earlier and it seems to work so i thought i'd help encourage laziness by sharing it. i consume too much in this hobby, and thought i'd at least try to give a little back to the community.

this is pretty much just taking advantage of an input stage that you'll probably already have in your pedal, and adding just a cap(s), a pulldown resistor and a 3PDT toggle switch. if not a pricy 3-pole toggle, you could probably get a rotary switch or something for cheaper. and yknow, i have zero doubt there are better ways to do this (eg. MerlinB's tails/TB mod), but here's one way that might benefit someone or give them ideas to work with.

I used a 10uF electrolytic right after the (opamp) input section in my DIY distortion, to act as the output when the effect is bypassed in buffered mode. i chose this value not only because it's what i usually use for an output cap, but because its value is high enough not to drastically alter what frequencies pass through the following cap in series (which, if retrofitting, could be the pre-existing cap between input buffer & effect stages).

you could probably just jumper the switch instead of sending 2 wires between the aforementioned sections, but i hadn't really noticed that at the time of making this image.
it does pop for me (high-gain circuit, but has all necessary pulldowns/acceptable leakage etc.) and may require the same anti-popping methods as any analogue switch of this nature, so that might be worth bearing in mind, but you're not likely to wanna use this mid-set.


Recovered guitar player.
Electronics manufacturer.