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Started by deadastronaut, March 14, 2014, 06:51:37 AM

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Quote from: deadastronaut on June 15, 2014, 05:08:17 PM
i need bredaboard space for other mad stuff.. ::)

That's exactly how the above got built. Liked it too much to bag the parts, it was working and needed the breadboard room. Solution, box that thang! With any luck my band mates should look like this just after I turn it on:



That's quick work! Looks good. Maybe in the next week ill get around to finishing my layout and box this puppy. I have some ideas on a new finish i am going to try. If  it turns out good  I'll post the results and if it doesn't I'll act like it never happened. :icon_biggrin:


Quote from: WhiskeyMadeMeDoIt on June 15, 2014, 02:56:52 PM
You can't say something like "I'm off to see the Queen" and not elaborate ;)


Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


Quote from: deadastronaut on June 15, 2014, 04:12:29 PM
sir rob.. ;)
hmmmm kinda has a ring to it.. ;D

why set your sights so low, Lord Robert of Sausage?

so the next one will be the "munge fuzz"?

Quote from: karbomusic on June 15, 2014, 05:01:07 PM
(hope it was ok to munge .... a little ...)

or maybe a "munge ok" knob?
"Bring on the nonsense".

rutabaga bob

The Earl of Links?  Smashing!
Life is just a series of obstacles preventing you from taking a nap...

"I can't resist a filter" - Kipper


Ok, beans spilling...

mrs astro is the personal secretary to black rod in the house of lords, ivwent to the state opening of parliament which mrs astro organizes, and black rod invited us both as guests for the garter ceremony at windsor castle today, and met the entire royal family, it was pretty nerve racking, but pretty cool too...mrs astro loved it as she is a big history buff....had a great day, very surreal, but one to remember for sure...
i never imagined ever being within 3 foot of the queen and future king n queen, pretty bizarre....anyway, i didnt get knighted, but hey therrs always next year eh.......right, back to making noise :icon_twisted:

ill probably be killed by MI5 now... :)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


all black sausery to me...


Quote from: deadastronaut on June 16, 2014, 05:25:45 PM
Ok, beans spilling...

mrs astro is the personal secretary to black rod in the house of lords, ivwent to the state opening of parliament which mrs astro organizes, and black rod invited us both as guests for the garter ceremony at windsor castle today, and met the entire royal family, it was pretty nerve racking, but pretty cool too...mrs astro loved it as she is a big history buff....had a great day, very surreal, but one to remember for sure...
i never imagined ever being within 3 foot of the queen and future king n queen, pretty bizarre....anyway, i didnt get knighted, but hey therrs always next year eh.......right, back to making noise :icon_twisted:

ill probably be killed by MI5 now... :)

Had to look that one up - Cool!   8)
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


> personal secretary to black rod in the house of lords,

In 'merican.....

A person carrying a black rod is in charge of maintaining the buildings and security of the place where congress-critters meet (Palace of Westminster, the meeting place of Parliament). If the King/Queen is in the house, he hangs protectively.

Every year he fetches the house of Commons to attend the opening of Parlament. They slam the door in his face, because the Commons does not take orders from King/Queen (think of Tea Party Reps welcoming Obama's summons) and he has to bang on the door three times with his staff.

Also this guy guards the door at meetings of the Order of the Garter, a very select group of the King/Queen and about 2 dozen hand-picked "companions", broadly similar to old Arthur's Round-Table Knights. (And like Arthur's place, apparently a LOT of other people get invites to sit against the walls, including many Kings/Queens still employed in Europe and Japan, military pensioners, and others.)

While Black Rod is supposed to organize opening of Parlament, it seems he delegates much of that to Mrs Astro then struts around like he did-it-all. To make-up for taking the public limelight, Rod let Mrs Astro bring her current boyfriend over to Windsor for the Garter party.

While the Garter folk are all super-important people, myself I'd rather slip out back and run the Corgis/Dorgis.


This has turned into the funniest thread ever.  Well, this week anyway...

Paul: is there anything you don't know??   :D   Righto, Captain Sausage - which one are you?

If I'd known you were there, I would have stopped by and cheered (I live a bit up the road from Liz'n'Phil).  I would have been the one waving a Big Muff and being hauled off by Her Maj's constabulary...   ;D
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


^ i'd have set the guards on ya!.. :icon_twisted:  ;)  (but yeah, you should've turned up..could've had a beer or two...3...4....5....)

arrived after going to pub , went for a much needed wee...

came back from wee, and went in chapel

left chapel


back to pub across the road

dude playing a tuba

@PRR: that's about the jist of it ...

and yes kate is a stunner..i wouldn't kick her out of bed for a fiver or a tenner, one of the queens ladies in waiting made me laugh, she looked like an egyptian mummy with protruding teeth,

she could nibble sweetcorn through a fence for sure.. all in all an entertaining day.. 8)

now i'm back in audio orbit  8)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Quote from: deadastronaut on June 17, 2014, 05:19:08 AM
. . . you should've turned up..could've had a beer or two...3...4....5....

It's a deal.  Next year's Garter Gig is in the diary!

she could nibble sweetcorn through a fence for sure.. :D

LOL!   :D
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


well, I didn't vote for him.

Quote from: bluebunny on June 17, 2014, 03:26:15 AM
This has turned into the funniest thread ever.  Well, this week anyway...

Paul: is there anything you don't know??   :D   Righto, Captain Sausage - which one are you?

he's the one with the (clean) sausages on his head, being attacked by the quins own crows.
"Bring on the nonsense".


Quote from: WhiskeyMadeMeDoIt on May 27, 2014, 08:35:31 AM

So what i have here is both the x-rock and x-fuzz clipper sections combined and they are selectable. followed by the emitter folower to buffer the tone control so it doesn't get loaded by the clipper stage. The tone control is an AMZ style BMP with the values I got from playing around in Duncan Tonestack Calculator. Following the tone control is two different output sections that are selectable. It would probably be good practice to tie those input high or low when the switch is flipped using a 3pdt. I haven't done that yet. Seems to work fine as it is.  I don't have sound clips right now but you are welcome to breadboard it and test if you want to. This will fit on a small breadboard. I am going to take a long rest before work so i will respond to any questions later tonight.

Do you mean to have a 10k/10k divider on the base of q3?  Maybe 470k/100k like DA's schem?



Yes I did. Look to the right q4 it's the same as DA final stage. The q3 is an emitter follower I used to follow the clipping section to buffer the tone control from the variable impedance from the clipper section.  When the bias is tweaked up and down it was yanking my tone stack around.  So I buffered it.  You can skip that if you want to and just plug your tone stack after the q2 clipper. The selectable output is entirely optional also. One of the output sections is Rob's and the other is a horrible mangling of TCA's mu-valve.  Just use Rob's if you want. I just like options and wanted something I could dial in lots of sounds.  I don't guarantee it's good design ;)  be sure to look at the new version I posted later in this thread.  The diode selection alone doesn't really change the sound drastically. You need the caps switches to really hear the difference. 


Is it rude & arrogant to ask someone to make a vero of WhiskeyMade MeDoIt's enhanced X-Fuzz/Rock circuit?  :P I really just wanna solder this baby up & start tharshin'!  ;D


I'm still tweaking it a bit. When I finish I will post a simplified version. I will also try to knock out the vero for both versions. It will be awhile I'm working 60 hours weeks for a while.  I also have a PCB version of this almost finished. If anyone wants to beat me to it they are welcome to go for it.  :)


Quote from: WhiskeyMadeMeDoIt on June 17, 2014, 10:56:58 PM
Yes I did. Look to the right q4 it's the same as DA final stage. The q3 is an emitter follower I used to follow the clipping section to buffer the tone control from the variable impedance from the clipper section.  When the bias is tweaked up and down it was yanking my tone stack around.  So I buffered it.  You can skip that if you want to and just plug your tone stack after the q2 clipper. The selectable output is entirely optional also. One of the output sections is Rob's and the other is a horrible mangling of TCA's mu-valve.  Just use Rob's if you want. I just like options and wanted something I could dial in lots of sounds.  I don't guarantee it's good design ;)  be sure to look at the new version I posted later in this thread.  The diode selection alone doesn't really change the sound drastically. You need the caps switches to really hear the difference. 

Yes, yes, I see now.  I printed off your schematic before heading down to the studio for breadboarding.  When I realized that, I made the executive decision to build the first 3 stages, figuring that was pretty much DA's circuit.  With the 10k/10k divider, the output was very quiet, as if 10k wasn't enough resistance to ground.  When I printed off DA's circuit, I switched to the 470/100k and then she worked.  Many thanks!

On a second issue, and perhaps this has been addressed already, but should there be some setting on the bias pot that gives a non-gated release for the note?  I can't find one.  The synthy swell is great though!  At zero on the knob (10k), I get no sound at all except for very, very hard chord strums.



I'm out and about coming back from work when I get home ill post a simplified version with the combined XFuzz/ rock and only Robs output.
The low end of the dial of the bias knob should be an aggressive fuzz with no gating. That thing should sing.  Do you have the clipper section feeding a tone and then feeding your output section?


Untested but this should be a simpler version to build without the BMP tonestack or dual output sections.
You can use a 3pdt for the switched parts and have a single switch to change between them or make them three individual switches and get more variations.