Anyone use this idea on their pedals?

Started by acehobojoe, June 11, 2014, 09:51:02 PM

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IIRC there was a manufacturer who made knobs that went to eleven.  There is a link somewhere in this forum, but the last time I saw it was a couple of years ago, so it would be well and truly buried by now.  Anyone remember the link?


Funny, I just labeled my Fuzz Face with "11" a couple weeks ago LOL.


There was a topic just few days ago, someone forumite discovered that those knobs that rotate freely many turns up or down are even cooler than those. Next time my doughters husband visits here i could show him my v AMP 2 and tell "you know ordinary amps have knobs that go to 10 or 11..."

More than ten years ago i did one fx with a small switch and labelled it with a tinker bell fairy pic, told everybody this is where magic happens (yes it did). Vol knob went 11 but when i demoed it i had wired it backwards by mistake


Quote from: amptramp on June 11, 2014, 10:39:01 PM
IIRC there was a manufacturer who made knobs that went to eleven.  There is a link somewhere in this forum, but the last time I saw it was a couple of years ago, so it would be well and truly buried by now.  Anyone remember the link?

Dead End FX

Asian Icemen rise again...

"My ears don't distinguish good from great.  It's a blessing, really." EBK



did it for a friend, a Guv'nor with all knobs up to 11........ I swear... there's quite a bit of difference between 10 and 11....  :D  :D

"it's a matter of objectives. If you don't know where you want to go, any direction is about as good as any other." R.G. Keen


Quote from: digi2t on June 12, 2014, 06:45:07 AM

Those are fakes.  You can tell because although they go up to eleven, they only go down to one, not zero.  Genuine 'eleven' knobs go from zero to eleven. It's the number of divisions that makes it sound louder, not the actual top number. :D


Quote from: Nasse on June 11, 2014, 11:01:26 PM
There was a topic just few days ago, someone forumite discovered that those knobs that rotate freely many turns up or down are even cooler than those. Next time my doughters husband visits here i could show him my v AMP 2 and tell "you know ordinary amps have knobs that go to 10 or 11..."

More than ten years ago i did one fx with a small switch and labelled it with a tinker bell fairy pic, told everybody this is where magic happens (yes it did). Vol knob went 11 but when i demoed it i had wired it backwards by mistake
Those knobs need to be paired with multi-turn precession pots though


Next time someone wants me to mod their tubescreamer, I know exactly what I'm doing....


I'd like to do a pedal with some "11" knobs, and then either align them wrong on the shaft, or label the alignment mark a little further 'round than it should be, so the 11 will never quite reach ......
" Hence the duck effect. "

Mark Hammer

Not sure if folks realize it, but the basis for the "11 thing" was likely early pre-web miscomprehension of 50's and early 60's era amps.  Control panels on those were generally labelled as going from 1 to 12.  Though certainly not laid out in that manner, the received wisdom was that it was a holdover from the nautical days of things being described at 9:00, 12:00, 3:00, etc. (although maybe some of you clever lads can find pics of vintage amps where the "12" marker really was at the 12:00 position).  As more recent amps began to adopt the 1-10 standard in their markings, anything that went 1-12 gained in mojo/mystique.  Some writers have also suggested that, since pickup output was generally lower in the 40's-60's, older amps were designed to be more sensitive, so as to compensate.  And when you plugged your DiMarzio-equipped LP into an older amp that "went to 12", they would overdrive more easily, and yield a more desirable tone than a pedal.

So, "going to 11" was essentially a tongue-in-cheek poke at those who didn't understand gear and were distracted by superficial things that they left unquestioned.

FWIW, my son sent me a pic a while back of an amp where the owner had meticulously removed, and rearranged, the white plastic "Marshall" name from the front of his amp, such that it now read "Mallarsh".  Looks factory-installed, too.  Elicits a double-take.


Are you saying Spinal Tap got their reference from that because all us Spinal Tap fans consider them the most meaningful source of "it goes to 11 so it must be louder". Spinal Tap was 1984 maybe? Well, I was on what little "web" there was back then believe it or not, not sure how many others where as I show my age. Back then I had to drive the packets to the server and back.  :icon_mrgreen:


interesting stuff, Mark - amidst my youth and good looks (stop laughing), i wouldn't have thought that knobs were actually numbered in terms of a clock face. i actually thought it was more of a colloquial thing to begin with.

because i can only tweak so far before losing my mind, all my pots usually end up with the knob marker more "biased" towards one end than the other. i'm a splined kinda guy. but as much as i love Spinal Tap, and try to live that exact life, i feel the whole 11 thing has become a bit clichéd. my pedals go to -1. they're so badass they skip infinity and loop back round.  ;D
Recovered guitar player.
Electronics manufacturer.


Quote from: MrStab on June 12, 2014, 06:50:02 PM my pedals go to -1. they're so badass they skip infinity and loop back round.  ;D
