Ruby amp build "farts"

Started by Tom Lauten, July 28, 2014, 02:44:02 PM

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I know this is an old topic but I found it by googling because I had the same issue and I was troubleshooting. Figured I'd share my solution for anybody else that would stumble on this thread the way I did.

I had my Jfet on backwards so pin 1 and pin 3 were in each other's relative spot.

I was extremely confused because I'd built my circuit on breadboard as well as perfboard and it worked great so I knew it should work on the pcb I etched. I checked my schematic and my pcb traces and didn't understand what I'd done wrong and somehow the jfet flew under the radar for an hour or so.
Sounded exactly like what the op in this thread was describing so I'd check that if you find yourself here.