Boss CE-2 Clock Noise

Started by BudCarroll, December 29, 2014, 04:21:40 PM

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Just did the Monte Allums mod to my Boss CE-2 and now it produces a decdent amount of clock noise when the effect is engaged.  The clock noise is only noticeable when the chorus is before a distortion, which is where I prefer it,...after a distortion it is quite unless powered with a one spot, but the noise gets far worse when using a battery or my pedal pad power supply, regardless of orientation in the chain. 

Thanks for any and all help.   

Mark Hammer

The circumstance you've created is that the distortion significantly amplifies the residual clock noise in the CE-2, making it far more audible.  If you prefer to have the chorus going into the distortion (decidedly not MY taste), then I suggest you mod the distortion to roll off some high end at its input, such that higher-frequency content gets attenuated in the distortion, prior to boosting, but if the distortion is bypassed, the chorus won't sound dull.

I find most distortions don't really need much more than maybe 4khz bandwidth at their inputs anyway, so trimming off the high end won't detract from the distortion's sound.

What distortion is it, so that I or someone else can suggest a useful mod?