Help with oscillation in 2 in 1 Corgan pedal

Started by goldenmonkeycolor, February 06, 2015, 01:46:07 PM

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I recently built a 2 in 1 with clones of the mxr distortion ii and the opamp big muff for a pedal ala billy corgan.  I purchased a pcb for the dist ii that goes long ways across the 1590bb TALL box I put these circuits in.  The big muff is on vero sitting on top.  I should have used a larger enclosure i suppose.  I'm getting some low frequency sounding oscillation when I have both pedals on.  The big muff is actually super quiet on it's own, and the distortion ii isnt too noisey either.  But when they're both on I get this strange low frequency noise. 

Is my grounding okay for these two circuits?  I took all the grounds to a strip of vero except the distortion ii footswitch goes to the input jack then to this ground buss.  I left the output jack without a ground wire as it's making ground to the enclosure from the input jack. 

what about using shielded cable.  Do you guys think this will help me out?  its not really hum but more of a sputter of lower frequency noise.  I feel like the in and out from footswitch to dist ii board is most likely to cause a problem (everything else is out of the way of each other and very short wire runs) Could I ground the shields to the board ground and leave them ungrounded at the footswitch?

Sorry for the long post I'm at a loss on this one and shielded cable is a PITA to use ime