Deluxe memory man chorus/vibrato always on

Started by L-vizzz, February 08, 2015, 02:51:38 PM

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Hi, first post here. I hope i can post this here because it's not really about my own build, but i don't know where else to try.

I've just bought a second hand EHX memory man deluxe (model: new sensor corporation reissue, EC 2002 revision D). After playing half an hour the chorus/vibrato switch fell apart (just my luck). After fixing it, i noticed that even when the chorus/vibrato knob is turned to zero there is still noticeable modulation. Very obvious with the chorus (pretty heavy detuning with longer delay times and blend more than halfway), more subtle with the vibrato. I have no idea if this was already a problem before the switch broke down, i suppose it was. So here's two questions (i don't know much about electronics, to state the obvious; i never got past building some BYOC effects):

1. just to make sure i fixed the switch correctly: there's two cables going to the chorus/vibrato slide switch. What the switch does is connecting both cables or breaking the connection between them, right? I figured that was to only way to put it back together.

2. Not being able to turn the modulation off: that's not normal, right? Any idea what may be causing this? (And probably a dumb question: this cannot be related to the slide switch that fell apart, right?)

If necessary i can post some photos or sound clips. Thanks!

Mark Hammer

1) "DIY" does not oblige building from scratch.  It also includes modding commercial products, and repairing things yourself.  So, you ARE in "the right place".  :icon_biggrin:

2) You are correct that you should be able to defeat the chorus/vibrato mode and simple have delay.  Indeed, it was the very option to have  any of those that made the original as popular as it was.

3) Given the nature of your questions, I'm inclined to think that some pics of the component AND copper side of the board would be helpful.  Eventually, a reference will be made to the schematic, but in the interim, I think pics would assist people in directing you to the relevant components.  I'm confident sage advice and a successful relaunching of your pedal will follow from there.  :icon_smile:

We await patiently.


Fixed! Found that one of the legs of the chorus/vibrato pot had broken off and didn't touch the print board anymore. Drop of solder and i'm up and running again.

Digital Larry

I don't know if this effect has a name.  That is, the effect by which one rapidly solves one's own problem, but only after a great deal of time spent not finding it, then turning to some public forum for help.  It also helps if the question is embarrassingly basic, which yours wasn't, but mine usually are.

Digital Larry
Want to quickly design your own effects patches for the Spin FV-1 DSP chip?


Awesome fix!!!! Thats what I love about this hobby! I just fixed mine as well (broken input pot solder joint).