Fender Elite Preamp

Started by michaiel, March 31, 2015, 10:02:41 AM

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I have an Elite preamp board and would like to mount it in a pedal. Has anyone done this and have recommendations for it?

I am assuming ....
Red Wire 9v (DC jack sleave)
Black Wire (DC jack pin, input and output ring on audio jacks)
Yellow Wire ( Input jack tip)
Led to indicate powered up
No switch. I want it on all the time.
I don't know how to up load the schematic if someone could help as well
anything else?



Clapton or standard Strat, or Bass? Which one? Here is a link to a schematic. http://www.eledar.net/Music/walnelite/photos/web_WSwiringdiagram.jpg It looks like the Elite preamp used a Kramer "sustaniac" type "dummy coil".  It is in a weird place for a sustainer coil, so it could possibly be just a filter coil, but I doubt it. An old pickup, take off the magnets would work. Usually sustainer coils went up by the neck. I assume it is not fully wound or it would feedback like crazy. Anyway, the blue wire went to a dummy coil, and the other wire off the coil went to ground. I never really looked to see if that was a sustainer, a filter or both. I assume it was both. In this case, you can run a stereo cable to your guitar(s) and put a dummy coil under the pick guard and run power up the stereo cable to run it. The mid boost pot was a 50K linear taper. You will need one of those. You will also need a 250K/1Med dual tone pot. You can make one from a dual 1 Meg pot, by putting a 300K or 330K in parallel across one of the 1 meg sections.  Black is ground. Yellow goes to the three DPDT toggle switches that also switch the pickups, but it is on it's own pole. If I find the time I can try to draft something up. The Elite Eric Clapton mid boost would be easier to implement into a stomp box. It does not have the dummy coil.


Thanks for the reply....
Yea thats the schematic.....
The coil is for hum cancelling supposedly. I am not really worried about it. What I do on my Elite is run the TBX control pot andMid Boost wide open. I would like to wire the preamp with fixed resistors in place of the pots.
Any help with a schematic would help greatly. The boards are too rare to damage and want to make sure I have a clear picture of what to do before I build it.

Thanks again


You will have to buy the TBX control, and any dirt cheap pick up will work as what they call a "buffer coil". I have a quick & dirty schematic, but have no idea how to post it here. Yellow comes from the guitar or the tip of the "IN" jack. Red from + on the battery. Purple comes off a terminal on the mid boost pot (250K on some diagrams) and it would be the lower left terminal viewed from behind. Brown goes to the center terminal on the 50K volume pot, and green comes off the lower right term. Left term is grounded. The center wiper on the mid boost goes to the output jack. Here is another PARTIAL SCHEMATIC: https://www.google.com/search?q=fender+elite+preamp+schematic&biw=1000&bih=534&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=864aVZXIGoz1oATki4K4Cg&ved=0CB0QsAQ#imgdii=_&imgrc=9UWqF0iURDRS8M%253A%3BoeWDjlkK7B6WfM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.eledar.net%252FMusic%252Fwalnelite%252Fphotos%252Felite%252520pre%252520schem2.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.diystompboxes.com%252Fsmfforum%252Findex.php%253Ftopic%253D97174.0%253Bprev_next%253Dprev%3B2040%3B1540


Here is another schematic for comparison. This was with the Lace Sensors. The actual Elite Strats had those extra large pick ups in them, so I have no idea what exactly the Lace thing is, unless he made those big honkers. This shows the TBX tone control has special detents and special insulating strips inside one of the ganged pots. It even tells how to pry apart a ganged pot and more or less make one. I found that amazing!  https://www.google.com/search?q=fender+elite+preamp+schematic&biw=1000&bih=534&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=864aVZXIGoz1oATki4K4Cg&ved=0CB0QsAQ#imgdii=_&imgrc=QhOrbxVp2TckIM%253A%3Ba6Vdottn2aE1wM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.blueguitar.org%252Fnew%252Fschem%252F_gtr%252Fec_schem_fact.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Ftagboardeffects.blogspot.com%252F2014%252F02%252Ffender-eric-clapton-25db-mid-boost.html%3B2000%3B1259


I have the same problem...I don't know how to attach an image to this post either...

Yes that is the schematic I was wanting to post

Elite: http://www.eledar.net/Music/walnelite/photos/elite%20pre%20schem2.jpg

I have several TBX pot kits from Fender to use

I have also seen that link as well. I want to stick to the original board I have, but have considered building one in the future.....


I have read where the preamp board was mounted in a pedal and the only complaint was that when the guitar volume is backed off instead of the tone cleaning up the sound was "muddy". Is there a way to use an expression pedal in place of the 50k audio pot in the pedal to offset this?