Bipolar power...and hello!

Started by KiwiDoc, May 04, 2015, 09:52:21 PM

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Here is a video of this issue...
No, I have 150ohm now.

So I have rewired the board on vero board to rule out my shonky jumpers being an issue, checked my power supply...The charge pump is working great. Getting +9 and -9 v where I should.

But still have little to no reverb. True bypass works, the mix and dwell pots seem to amplify signal more than anything else. There is definate reverb spring action when I tap the tank,
The tank is 150 ohm input 1500 output impedence. This should be well suited to op amp powered reverb circuit as far as I can tell.

here is a YouTube of it all.

Any ideas?


ignore this, just saw the other thread.
" I will say no more "