Problem with mammoth signal bleeding on mini blend

Started by Renegadrian, May 19, 2015, 01:04:08 PM

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Guys, I just built a Woolly Mammoth, from the z guy.
it sounds ok as it should. I added Sean mini blend, but I got a strangely distorted sound when the pot is in the buffer position. I put another one in a muff and it works flawlessly - I read somewhere that there could be problems with fuzz ckts, how can I solve my problem!?

I disconnected the wire going to the input of the fuzz, so now I have only the buffer - the buffer works perfectly...

Schem is this one, I just have a 10ยต at the input to get more bass in.

I managed to get the result I needed - just tack a 10k resistor at the fuzz input, just before the cap.
Now the buffer works without interferences and the signals are well separated!
FIY - hope it will be good to know for someone in the future experiencing the same problem...
Done an' workin'=Too many to mention - Tube addict!