Suggestions for a really wild Fuzz to build?

Started by stoopkid, July 03, 2015, 02:44:08 AM

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I have made a few fuzz factories but I am just not talented enough to use them with the tons of oscillation they produce at any good sounding settings. Can anyone suggest a really fuzzy pedal I could build that doesn't oscillate so much? I've done a Fuzz Face as well and it is pretty tame.

I see plenty of schematics everywhere but there's no way to hear any of them or get an idea of what they sound like.


If afterall you like the Fuzz Factory, are you insisted enough? Looking some guide for help with the right setting for you?
What schematic are you built of Fuzz Factory? What transistors? Those could be critical components.

Some alternative fuzz... Depends of what are you searching. Some crazy and wild and weird fuzz that sound like a nintendo? Or kind of Fuzz Face? Something like Big Muff?

If the schematic you found is simple enough you could try them on a breadboard.
«There is something even higher than the justice which you have been filled with. There is a human impulse known as mercy, a human act known as forgiveness.»
Elijah Baley in Isaac Asimov's The Cave Of Steel


yep, breadboard, breadboard, breadboard..

most are pretty simple really , tweak it to your taste... 8)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Most of it will come from your transistor selection and biasing.  I can build a Fuzz Face that is totally tame or totally wooley from the same circuit...  MC
I used to really be with it!  That is, until they changed what "it" is.  Now, I can't find it.  And, I'm scared!  --  Homer Simpson's dad


Might kind of a 'build them all, from FF to Muff' deal.   Learn how they work, and you start learning where to modify...
MXR Dist +, TS9/808, Easyvibe, Big Muff Pi, Blues Breaker, Guv'nor.  MOSFace, MOS Boost,  BJT boosts - LPB-2, buffers, Phuncgnosis, FF, Orange Sunshine & others, Bazz Fuss, Tonemender, Little Gem, Orange Squeezer, Ruby Tuby, filters, octaves, trems...


Wild as in more gain?  The Sola Sound Tonebender or Burns Buzzaround are pretty gainy. If you mean wild in some other way then these guys are right, you can mod a fuzz face or big muff to do your bidding. Voltage sag or bias is a cool mod, switchable input caps or clipping diodes, the list goes on. Breadboard it up!
"Remember, there's a big difference between kneeling down and bending over." - FZ


Quote from: kayceesqueeze on the back and never open it up again


Uglyface is the wildest, by far. Be warned though, it does have a tendency to self-oscillate at some settings. Also does sub-octave and synthy sounds as well. Crazy fun!

Companion fuzz, (with the LPB-1 mod) if you just want pure fuzz that is very thick & heavy. (too heavy for chording) I had an old Kent fuzz-wah back in the mid-70s that had a later version of this fuzz built-in and it was perfect for nailing early sabbath licks and the like.


escobedo's triple fuzz is pretty gnarly

here's lovepedal's take on it ... the Karl Fuzz

as is the Seppuku Spacefuzz ... even more wild and also incorporates an escobedo snippet


Why don't u go with a Mastodon from is a wooly mammoth clone..I built one just a few days ago and I am digging's a very gnarly fuzz with a lot of options,easy to build,and it won't really get out of control as far as fact that site has a lot of excellent boards for projects,many options to choose from..I highly recommend you check them out.
how much wood can a woodchuck really chuck?



the univox sq-150 'squarewave' has a good buzzsaw reputation. fuzzface with fet, easy build, some fet sorting.
" Hence the duck effect. "


Quote from: stoopkid on July 03, 2015, 02:44:08 AM

I see plenty of schematics everywhere but there's no way to hear any of them or get an idea of what they sound like.

Have you tried youtube searches or web searches with the name of the fuzz?


Quote from: tommycataus on July 03, 2015, 09:27:03 AM
Wild as in more gain?  The Sola Sound Tonebender or Burns Buzzaround are pretty gainy. If you mean wild in some other way then these guys are right, you can mod a fuzz face or big muff to do your bidding. Voltage sag or bias is a cool mod, switchable input caps or clipping diodes, the list goes on. Breadboard it up!

my vote is for the 3B - its a fuzz that I  want to build, looks a bit complected for my skill level yet but its a great sounding fuzz from all the web demos I have heard. I want one !


Parallel Universe II, if you're looking at 386 based stuff. Be sure to add a pickup simulator to the front end of the circuit though, in case you decide to run anything with a buffer in front of it. Otherwise, the oscillation part of the effect suffers greatly. Pickup sim restores the impendence that it likes to see, and it rocks!  8)

If memory serves me, I used jacobyjd's vero layout, but I added 6 holes, and 6 rows all around to allow for stand-offs in the corners. This in turn allowed me enough room to mount the transformer and cap in the corner of the vero. I used this arrangement;

I added the pot and toggle afterwards. Not only does it immunize the pedal from any buffers that may be in the chain before it, but you can tweak the oscillation aspect via the pickup simulator.

I really should sit down and redraw the vero for this with the pickup sim added. It's a great circuit, a monstrous fuzz. In oscillation mode, it's just off the hook.
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