Zombie Chorus Mods..

Started by Davefx, October 12, 2003, 05:17:17 PM

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Has anyone built the Zombie incorporating the "no tick" mods that Mark Hammer developed?  On Munky's site:  http://www.geocities.com/munkydiy/zombie.jpg
There is 2 10k resistors that are added to replace the existing vRef, + there is c13, which I don't know the value of..  I'm assuming that it is the same as c7 on RG's schem.  So do I still need to install c7?  I'm not thinking so, because you cut a trace on the board to isolate the existing LFO vref, as per Mark's layout, here:  http://hammer.ampage.org/files/DETICK~1.jpg.

Can anyone help me clarify this, I would certainly be greatful:)

Thanks in advance.... Dave

Mark Hammer

From what I gather, it is always good practice to have a cap like C7 in reference-voltage/bias circuits, and certainly doesn't harm anything to have it there.  The goal is to simply provide a bias voltage for the LFO that is half the supply voltage, although some folks have suggested that it isn't even needed for all Vb connection on the LFO, just those of pins 2 and 5.  You can probably help matters by including a cmall value equivalent to C7 in that additional bias mod.


Thanks Mark!  One more thing..  One you cut that trace on the board you are isolating pins 2,5 from the one end of r16 going to the speed pot.  Do I need to connect the new Vref to it also?

Thanks.............. Dave