MN3008 from Banzai

Started by Dimitree, August 28, 2015, 09:00:34 AM

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I was wondering if anyone got some MN3008 from Banzai recently and could tell me if they are ok (legit and fully working).
I'm always worried about fakes, and unfortunately I can't test them at the moment..
I know Banzai is a trusted shop, but maybe their supplies are not.
I know there are some other places that sell them (tested) but I'm in EU and Banzai is the cheapest now


From what I've seen...MN3008s are not the BBD that is targeted for relabeling.

Usually 3008's are altered to make "fake" MN3005s.

The MN3005s are in more demand.

Quantities of MN3008s still seem to be available.

Banzai isn't really a crapshoot like dealing with Chinese sellers through eBay.

If there is a will be resolved without an argument.

I recently worked up a Maxon AD-900 delay build that uses 4 MN3008s.

I sourced them from here:

The BBDs I received tested good. 

This seller has sold over a thousand of this model BBD.

I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


actually I've read that even MN3008 are not always ok, often you find a dead chip for example..
and I can't test them for the moment so I can't just send them back