Ibanez CS-9 with some alterations

Started by diablochris6, February 16, 2016, 12:48:06 PM

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I don't get on this forum often, but I wanted to share a schematic with everybody and ask a question.

My friend would like a version of the Ibanez CS-9, and I am surprised that I haven't seen many builds or PCBs of this. I found a couple of fuzzy schematics online (http://www.dirk-hendrik.com/ibanez_cs9.pdf and http://generalguitargadgets.com/wp-content/uploads/IbanezCS9.gif), and drew one up to better suit my needs. I removed the bypass switching, got rid of the stereo output, and added some common mods for the Boss Ce-2 (vibrato mode, intensity switch, wet level pot). It would be great if anybody has a cleaner schematic and can verify the values.

I also had a question about the voltage to the BBD, clock and LFO. If the chips can handle 9v, why would it be better to only give them 5v? Even the power rail for the LFO IC is 5v.


I'm trying to remove the buffered switching of this pedal to use true bypass.
Have you done this to the actual pedal or is it just a schematic for reference?
I'm having trouble identifying which transistors are in the switching circuit on the board. I think they are BJTs and not FETs in this one right?
Any advice would be really helpfull.


This pedal is stereo so will probably be difficult/too much effort to true bypass. Learn to love the buffer if you can...

Otherwise there will be some wrangling involved with adding a relay circuit OR drilling a big hole and putting in a mechanical 4pdt/3pdt with millenium bypass.

There's a thread here about the same thing I think: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=97280.0



PDF: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1vYk2OpP7LPdmu7bjbW04th3im__ZpGzW

I traced out the schematic and tried to build a true by-pass clone, but it didn't work. The most interesting thing is that I didn't wire the dry signal into the last op-amp stage and when I turn it on the signal is plain dry, how is that possible? The funkiest thing is that when I touch some parts of the PCB I can hear the chorused sound coming through (no it isn't a bad solder joint). I'm using BC549 and BC550 for the transistors, but I guess this has nothing to do with the problem.
I'm using 2SK30 for the jfet Q6 (Q104 in the original schematic) with the source going to ground, I thought that the drain and source could be interchangeable in this situation, so I don't know if this can be a problem.
Well, I already checked and re-checked my schematic and PCB, everything seems fine trace-wise and component-wise. I'm frustrated and out of ideas right now...

I can hear the chorused signal when I touch the clock trim pot trace that goes to pin 7 of the MN3102