Need help with Tonepad CE-2 effects level mod

Started by nickthenab1, February 16, 2016, 09:29:02 PM

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Hi all, I am rebuilding a tonepad ce-2 chorus pedal and could use some help with the effects level mod. I will post a link for the schematics here and it also has a very vague description on how to achieve this mod on page 2. I could use some help dumbing this down since I don't have a ton of electronics knowledge or experience. Like step by step instructions so to say. I really appreciate any help any one can offer. Here is the link for the schematics. The mod section again is on page 2. Thank you! - Nick 

Granny Gremlin

Desolder R22 from the PCB*.  Connect pin 1 of the Level pot to the top pad for the former R22 (assuming the top of the PCB is the end where the standard pots go; up as drawn on pg 1).  Jumper pin 1 to pin 2 (wiper).  Connect pin 3 to the R22 you removed (or a fresh 47k resistor - for mechanical reliability I recommend attaching it to the pot condom or bare casing if you insulate well - a gob of hot glue or gorilla glue; something you can remove later - the full length leads are handy*).  Connect the other end of R22 to the bottom R22 pad on the PCB.

*if you're lazy (desoldering sucks the bag) and like to live dangerously, you can just desolder the top end of R22, and then run a wire from pin 3 to the desoldered end.
my (mostly) audio/DIY blog:


Thanks Granny Gremlin! You're a real help. I'll let you know if I have any more questions about it. I'll be trying it out today.