better match for approximating a 25KA pot curve

Started by mordechai, March 01, 2016, 02:45:43 PM

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What would get me a closer match -- that is, a steeper curve -- to a 25KA pot...putting a 100KB pot in parallel with a 33K resistor, or putting a 50KB pot in parallel with a 56K resistor?  Both combinations come close enough to 25K, but I'd like a greater, steeper taper more akin to a 25KA, or even a little steeper if possible...


Adding the parallel resistor actually pulls the pot in the logarithmic ("C") direction as opposed to the exponential ("A") direction. But if you don't mind hooking it up backwards, the 100kB/33k combo will give you a more exaggerated effect.


Really?  I thought that the curve of a linear pot with a resistor across lugs 1 and 3 is pulled "down", making it more like an audio taper.  Is "logarithmic" not the same thing as audio taper??  When something is listed as a 25KLog pot, isn't it the same as a 25KAudio pot??


Sorry, I misunderstood how you were hooking them up (and I usually only use that trick to get log pots, so my brain was biased).  I'd better leave this to the experts:


> thought that the curve of a linear pot with a resistor across lugs 1 and 3 is pulled "down"


The resistor goes from wiper (2) to the side you want favored at half rotation. (Usually ground.)

This has little effect below 1/4 or above 3/4.

This puts a heavy added load on the source when full-up.

If I understand where you might be going... try 100K even 500K linear pot and maybe 10K wiper to ground.