Hi, I'm new here. I am starting a project and could use some insight

Started by Kevman2112, March 10, 2016, 11:30:26 AM

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It never ceases to amaze me what my fellow guitar player brethren are able to create on a diy basis. I am a guitar modder and have been for a while but I would like to step into the effects world.

My first project:
Not wanting to jump into the deep end I figured I would start by modifying an existing pedal.

Victim: BOSS BE-5 multi guitar effects unit.

Goal: To build a new road worthy case for the existing pc board that includes some solid input/output Jacks. Utilize after market metal foot switches while housing the needed power transformer on-board to get rid of the need for a wall wart.

I was thinking plexiglass for housing or perhaps plexiglass/solid pine combo with a faux carbon fiber vinyl wrap finish.

Sound do-able for a guy that has only wired guitars?

What do you think of the project? I love the BE-5 and have had it since new. Broken solder joints have become it's problem. This would like become part of my gigging rig as I have grown tired of the Line6, digitech and Rocktron modeling wonderunits I have littering the place.

Great forum here from what I have seen just poking around.


Kevin Mitchell

My first project I dove into the deep end with only the experience of swaping my strat's pickups. My first stompbox was a hell of a fight but I've learnt all the basics by making every mistake possible  ;D

Your idea is possible but in my eyes not worth the effort. Rehousing is good if it needs a new housing... in this case your goal seems a bit redundant.

You could always upgrade the parts while keeping the housing.

Working with transformers is very dangerous. I'd  much rather use a wall wart than using a in-box transformer that will take up space.

OR.... dump the Boss and start building everything you like from it  8)


i replaced the dodgy plastic footswitches on my old korg ax1500g....that was well worth doing..

and shifted the 'write' switch... 8)

your biggest issue would be a suitable enclosure.....is it worth the trouble?....hmmmmm....


chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


Thanks for taking a look,

Is it worth the trouble? Yes, to me it is.
I am simplifying my rig back to stompers from modelers and this is basically (4) stomp boxes + a decent noise suppression circuit that I like on one PC board. Id also like to add a tuner into the equation as there is a tuner out and I figured I could hard wire in a simple hand held unit in there while I was at it.
Re: Transformer, I don't mind at all going with an enlarged housing to accommodate any mods. I'm happy with the effects as the are but would welcome a little more real estate for my size 13-EEE feet. I don't get how housing the "wart" portion of a power supply inside would be an issue as long as I add some cooling vents which would look neat too. Please elaborate why that would be bad.

"You could always upgrade the parts while keeping the housing." lol, I get ya but that's pretty much the opposite of my mission. I like the parts and want to upgrade the housing.

The I/O options allow for a 4 cable method as well that puts the OD out front and the modulation in the loop. Kind of awesome for something I got in 1987-ish. The plastic housing along with board mounted jacks make a bunch of cables hanging off the back of such a slightly built box a liability.

I'm going to go for it. I have plenty of digital goo-gahs to get me through until I can complete this project.

Found this info on it:
    Compressor – based on controls, I assume that it's somewhere in the CS-3 realm
    Overdrive/Distortion – compared the schematic and it seems to be very close to OS-2---Sounds more like a RAT circuit to me.
    Simple noise suppressor
    Digital Delay – MN51010RBA based, similar to DD-3A
    Chorus – compared the schematic and it looks like CE-2 but with stereo output. Using mono out makes it sound kind of in between a chorus and phaser. A phorus?

Boss BE-5

    Tuner out
    FX loop send/receive jacks between noise gate and the delay
    Mono and stereo out


That seems like a cool project, but I'm not sure that would be the best place to start. Finding and fitting a new enclosure would be a lot of work. Not saying you shouldn't do it, just be prepared to spend more time than you'd think. The reason everyone is saying adding the power supply is dangerous is because the transformers deal with high voltages, which are capable of seriously injuring or killing you. I wouldn't just shove the power cord into the enclosure, as I'm sure thats unsafe too, or at least bad practice.
Dave's not here, man

On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio
- Hunter S. Thompson


Quote from: dbp512 on March 10, 2016, 01:19:48 PM
Not saying you shouldn't do it, just be prepared to spend more time than you'd think.

+1000 to that
"Some people love music the way other people love chocolate. Some of us love music the way other people love oxygen."



Yes, I am aware this will likely take a while. I'm in no real hurry.

I guess the first thing I need to do is source some switches and jacks while I get my enclosure worked out.


I (as well as many others here) like http://bitcheslovemyswitches.com. They have a good selection of quality parts for a competitive price. There are plenty of others (smallbear is good too, tayda is pretty decent and cheap).
Dave's not here, man

On some nights I still believe that a car with the gas needle on empty can run about fifty more miles if you have the right music very loud on the radio
- Hunter S. Thompson


Putting the transformer in the enclosure can add noise to the other circuits. You might want to experiment with the placement of the transformer and/or add shielding as needed.

Kevin Mitchell

Again, I wouldn't condone messing with transformers or any line voltages unless you're properly educated on the subject.

Modding guitars DOES NOT qualify as experience for this matter.


+1. use the psu that was designed for it...theres a reason its external..

always handy to replace too.. :)

chasm reverb/tremshifter/faze filter/abductor II delay/timestream reverb/dreamtime delay/skinwalker hi gain dist/black triangle OD/ nano drums/space patrol fuzz//


The OP said he simply wanted to relocate the existing transformer inside the enclosure.

Quote from: Kevman2112 on March 10, 2016, 12:32:54 PM
I don't get how housing the "wart" portion of a power supply inside would be an issue as long as I add some cooling vents which would look neat too. Please elaborate why that would be bad.

This would not require any work at mains voltages.