cool audio / xvive mn3005 etc etc delay build advice.

Started by njkmonty, April 04, 2017, 07:43:41 AM

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I have made previously a 4 x mn3008 memory man clone, and a   coolaudio  v3205  madbean  memory man version ( not the latest pcb offering)

i sold both as sounded good but not blown away by it. I have however recently become interested in maybe doing Madbeans DMM or Aquaboy PCB with the Xvive chips, but unsure if worth it..
are the remarkes by Xvive much more superior than previously mentioned chips?

apart from the modulation side of the DMM  does Aquaboy (DM2) sound much different to the DMM?

has anyone used 2x mn3005 with either of these builds?  with that much delay is the repeats really bad?
would love to here the thoughts of someone who has built these recently?


Noise with v3205d is absolutely awful, compared to xvive3005.


thanks for reply  that gives me encouragement! :)  cheers


It is my experience that the Cool Audio BBD IC that I have used are "hotter" than the original MN3205 ICs.

The hotter signal causes distortion in circuits designed for "normal" MN3205 ICs.

This is outlined in this thread:

There is also a fix for using cool audio BBDs in Scott Swartz AD-3208(5) circuit.

I have not used the Xvive MN3005s so...I can't comment but...

There's this:
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)