got my first eagle board fab osh park suggestions

Started by Mgt280y, April 29, 2017, 07:31:08 PM

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Finally took the challenge and got my first pcb fab by osh park

All in all a success som far but......

Couple of things could be better

Drill holes are not quite centre of the pads
How can i fix this?

Pad sizes (not drill hole) all came up quite small used the auto setting for diameter with the .7mm hole for resistors ect.
Is there a common setting/size for diameter that others use it is solderable but harder than it need be

Hole sizes are great except board mounted pot, user error needed a bigger hole so will have to off board this time so i can fix.

ill post pictures when i get a chance



How are you creating the pads? I can't think of how a hole could be off center unless it was a manufacturing problem - or the Eagle part was designed that way but I don't think you can actually do that. I suppose it could possibly be a problem in the gerber files or the job you used to create them. Did you use a gerber viewer to check the files? I created my own small library of parts - my pads are a fixed .066" diameter with .02755906" diameter holes (a bit on the small side). Some parts have bigger holes e.g. power diodes to accommodate heavier leads.


Quote from: Mgt280y on April 29, 2017, 07:31:08 PM

Drill holes are not quite centre of the pads
How can i fix this?

Pad sizes (not drill hole) all came up quite small used the auto setting for diameter with the .7mm hole for resistors ect.
Is there a common setting/size for diameter that others use it is solderable but harder than it need be

Hole sizes are great except board mounted pot, user error needed a bigger hole so will have to off board this time so i can fix.

ill post pictures when i get a chance

Drill accuracy is a fabricator issue. When you send your gerber files to the board house they panelize the artwork and put fiducials in the corners of the artwork. The drilling machine reads these fiducials so it "knows" how the panel is aligned as well as where the circuit is located on the panel. If you are seeing only some of the drills off center it is because of drill bit "wander". They try to reduce the wander by placing aluminum entry material over the panel so the bit enters straight into the panel after passing through the entry material. If all of the drills are off center it's because the fiducial recognition camera/spindle offset is incorrect or the fiducials weren't read properly by the camera. Some systems read the fiducials automatically while others require the machine operator to verify each one is read correctly.

Pad size (annular ring) is largely determined by the hole size. IPC has a formula for that:

When you are building a part in your part library it's good practice to have a digital caliper around to do a reality check about the dimensions.


As i have only just started playing around i have been using the gaussmarkov libraries

And to generate the gerber files im using the osh park job file with the exceron 24 drill job

With the pad size, if i have a board layout out ready to send but is using the small annular ring setting can i use the drc and in the restring tab change the Min pad size for top and bottom from 10mil to say 20mil (need to convert to see if that is too big) will this increase the pad size on that board or is there more to it than that

i am going to try and build my own lib with my components but its seems to be quite time consuming adding parts but would design with the bigger pads to start with