Mono/Stereo Stomp Switch

Started by badger3440, June 12, 2017, 03:24:49 PM

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Hey, all,

N00b here so forgive my ignorance and if this has already been done/answered. I would like to build what I call an A/B/C switch (see pic), where A goes mono to one pedal, B goes mono from the same input to different pedal, and C is a dual stereo input and out to dual 1/4s. Scenario is I play guitar, bass and Stick and I want to have both my guitar and bass effects pedals on the same board then switch to the one I need at the moment or both, in the case of the Stick.

Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. Thanks!

Mark Hammer

First off, I tip my hat to any Stick player.  Ambitious!  :icon_smile:

"Dual 1/4s" = two mono phone jacks?

I think it may simply be easier to plug your Stick into a stereo jack, your bass and guitar into individual mono jacks, and use a rotary switch to select which source is going to which outputs.  Not unless someone throws you a different instrument mid-song, such that you need to have your hands free to catch it, requiring use of a stompswitch.


Thanks for the compliment, Mark! Still perfecting my chops but having fun doing it!!  :)

I should've been clearer: I would only be playing one instrument at a time. So while playing guitar, it would go the A route: mono input jack on the left to mono output jack on the left, out to guitar effects pedal. Another time, I would plug in bass to mono input jack on left, switch to mono output jack on right, to bass effects. A third time, I would plug the Stick stereo cable (dual 1/4") into both inputs, then go out the left to guitar effects and out the right to bass effects. Hope that makes sense. Maybe your method will work...have to try it. Thanks again for the quick reply!