Fuzz Face Kit trouble

Started by rocknmysleep, August 07, 2017, 10:52:52 AM

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Hello, everyone. I am attempting my first build and I thought I would get a kit. I bought a fuzz face kit from eBay that did not come with a wiring diagram or schematic. I emailed the seller and they sent me some pics of a completed one and a diagram. However, the diagram is wired differently than the completed one. I wired it the way the completed one was done but it is not working. When I touch the string I get that buzz like you are touching the end of the instrument cable. Please take a look at the pics and share any feed back. Please keep in mind I'm a straight noob.



Using a phone and couldn't figure out how to copy and paste a link.  Anyway google fuzz face central (or maybe just fuzz central). They have the schematics for  various fuzz versions.
What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters, compared to what lies within us - Emerson


The red wire from your input jack is not going to the same place on the board as the diagram.


I've noticed this also. All the images are what the seller sent me. I guess I forgot to mention that. Their are quite a bit of differences between the photo and the diagram. I'll try swapping the red input.


Oh those pictures aren't the one you built?  Sorry I got confused there.

If touching the (grounded) string on your guitar gives a loud buzz, sounds like you might have the tip and sleeve connections reversed on your input jack.  We might be able to provide more help if you can post pictures of your actual build, including both sides of the board.


Ok thanks. I will try to some pic this evening.


your input jack is wired wrong in this pic


you should have the red wire from the input jack going to the top solder pad where it says input.
right now it looks like as thermionix suspected you have the tip of the input going right to the battery.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


That's not his pic.  Unless I'm double confused.  But he may have wired his like that pic.


Quote from: rocknmysleep on August 07, 2017, 10:52:52 AM
Hello, everyone. I am attempting my first build and I thought I would get a kit. I bought a fuzz face kit from eBay that did not come with a wiring diagram or schematic. I emailed the seller and they sent me some pics of a completed one and a diagram. However, the diagram is wired differently than the completed one. I wired it the way the completed one was done but it is not working. When I touch the string I get that buzz like you are touching the end of the instrument cable. Please take a look at the pics and share any feed back. Please keep in mind I'm a straight noob.

Hi, I feel your pain. EBAy, and chinese kits spells "not much information", and what information is there could be questionable.

A fuzz face is a simple circuit, normally to the attached schematic

I'm surprised they didn't give you a schematic with the kit, but like I say... Chinese normally spells trouble.

Before we go any further, we need pictures of YOUR board, not the ones sent by the Chinese seller.
"My technique is laughable at times. I have developed a style of my own, I suppose, which creeps around. I'll never be a very fast guitar player."


You're not double confused. It's not my pic but I've tried wiring it both ways. Here is a pic of my PCB. Sorry, I didn't get one of the back but I think you can see what is going on.


"My technique is laughable at times. I have developed a style of my own, I suppose, which creeps around. I'll never be a very fast guitar player."


The inputs and outputs are fairly self explanatory...... As is the LED.

Silly question, have you got the polarised caps orientated correctly, and also the transistors legs in the correct holes? Silly question, but we've all done it.

Would be good to see the trace side, without a schematic it'll help to know learn where things are connected. I'd lay money on it it's something silly.
"My technique is laughable at times. I have developed a style of my own, I suppose, which creeps around. I'll never be a very fast guitar player."


the board you got from protaitone is fine, but there's some issues.
its designed to have onboard led's. one for on, and one for off. if ya wanna go that route, use green for on and red for off, put the long led lead in the holes marked +.  you don't have to use them led's, you can just wire them to a switch. looks like this layout wasn't for a pedal pedal, but a standalone box. the footswitch part was probably originally a toggle or slider.
just looked closer, and for sure. thats part of your problem. protaitone is usually pretty good as chinese vendors go.
not this time. i bought a klon kit from them, and same thing, no schematic.
looks like EC2 on yours may be backwards. positive should go to the right.

looks like the input jack, the top hole is tip, and the bottom sleeve.  looks like the output is backwards from that.

look at the fuzzface schematic posted above, and how the shit connects. you should be able to figure it out. there's not much to a fuzzface circuit.

once ya get the circuit good, we can help ya figure out the rest. please take CLOSE UP shots of BOTH sides of the board, and if possible, backlight it so we can clearly see where the traces go. its hard on the pics provided, even blown up and enhanced to see the mess at the right side of the board.

you WILL be victorious. don't freak out! ;)
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


You probably should ignore the color of the wires I used. I switched stuff around and just keep what was easiest.


your switch looks like the two red wires to the right of this pic :https://ibb.co/fjWR7F
are reversed. the switch should connect exactly the way the holes do in the same order.
soldering looks good. check your switch. for sake of ease in debugging, use the same color per side,, thats really confusing to look at and is probably where the mistake came bro
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


I'm not totally sure how to properly test a switch. It appears to be working as far as the toggling static out the amp and the led.


ok, the switch looks ok from that angle, sorry, from the other it looked funky,

to test a switch use a meter the center row of switches (if looking from the botton with the holes pointing up ) going horizontal are your common. the ones above pole 1, the ones below pole 3. if ya put your meter on diode check so it beeps, stick one lead on a center one. go up. if it beeps, go down. it shouldn't beep. click the switch. it should reverse. do it for each of the three switches. each verticle row of three is one complete independent switch.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr