4046phase lock loop[desighning with]

Started by donald stringer, November 06, 2003, 06:38:03 PM

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donald stringer

Does anyone know of any sites that I can study on this chip and its use?



how ya been??

ps   i wrote you address down wrong, i just got your  package back, i am going to mail it from georgia this time...


yeah man, app notes are a great source for info on chips.  i used the app notes from the data sheet for the 4046, for a VCO driving a MF10 filter chip.  (it sounded like shite but that's another story)

i have no idea what a PLL could be used for so i'll watch this thread with interest  :P

Mark Hammer

I scanned a section from a Robert Penfold book on designing with the 4046 and posted it on my site (http://hammer.ampage.org).  Scroll way down, or else go to http://hammer.ampage.org/files and look for it.

doug deeper

i know you can make lots of insane noise with them!!!!they can be controled like a theremin too...

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

Idlefaction, what sort of 'shite' did your 4046/MF10 sound? might be the shite someone here wants!!


heh. huuuuge amounts of bleed from the clock.  i did some reading and the app notes recommended 'either a standard CMOS clock or TTL clock' or something, i was feeding it a 9V square.  i put it through a pot wired as a standard volume control style voltage divider, but it didn't seem to make much difference at any setting.

i googled for ages trying to figure out what a standard CMOS clock was and drew a blank, and the chips were taking up too much realestate anyway cos i was trying for a small hammond box sized unit which was why i was looking at chip solutions anyway...

in short, maybe it's possible to get it sounding good in some way, but it wasn't going to meet my design criteria anyway so i gave up.  (the fact that whenever i turned it on my cat went crazy was a contributing factor, also  :P)  i do have my two sample MF10s at home still though and one day i will rig up a 4046 and do some more breadboarding....  any advice on what kind of clock to supply a chip that wants a standard CMOS or TTL clock?   :(

Paul Perry (Frostwave)

There are 2 or 3 useful pages on the 4046 in Don Lancaster's CMOS Cookbook (worth picking up, though soe of it is a bit dated now).
As far as the clock is concerned, I imagine anything that goes from fairly low to firly high is OK but, it has to be lie a square wave, because it is usually the 'edge' that does the triggering (anyone who actually does digital stuff tell me if i'm wrong!)


The chip (565) in Craig Anderton's original EPFM Ring Modulator is a phase locked loop, so there is maybe one type of application?

Kerry M