UK Builders: School me on getting batches of PCB's made

Started by Snufkinoob, May 03, 2018, 10:10:58 PM

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I've been making boards the old fashioned way, but I want to build batches of circuits with higher component counts, so where's the best place to get PCB's made, and what software will I need? I've just been using Express PCB to draw my boards, and I'll just be needing single layered boards, nothing fancy.

Also, rather than the standard green board, is there anywhere that can make them with this type of yellow/transparent board?


I use
They have a spacial price of only 10 USD (plus shipping) for ten boards up to 100x100mm, in almost any colour. There is also an option for 'no solder mask' (bare copper) but I don't know what colour the fibreglass will be with that option.
You can use any PCB program that will export gerber files (I use Proteus/ISIS but that's a professional package)

For larger boards you can sometimes get a better price from one of the Chinese PCB offers on eBay.


I use JCLPCB, mainly because i use easyEDA to design the boards and they're the default fabber. I've not shopped around.

They're cheap ($2 for 10 boards plus $8 shipping to UK) and I've got no problems with the quality. Price goes up from $2 to $14 if you want a yellow PCB though.

They are slow - about 6 weeks.

If you want single sided for aesthetic reasons, fair enough, but don't stick to single sided on the assumption it'll be cheaper - it won't make any difference.