Arco, WIMA caps?

Started by Bluesgeetar, November 09, 2003, 07:56:30 AM

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Anybody tried these?  I mean new?  Apparently these companies exist today.  Arco is down in CA and still alive and kicking.  Anyone tried their new film caps?  Wah fanatics seem to swear by old Arco caps.  So I wondered has anyone tried their new stuff for sound color.  And who is these WIMA folks?  Are they worth a look at for ordering some of there caps?  How bout Mallory and sprague?  All famous in the music realm I guess.  Never heard about the WIMA caps though.

Arno van der Heijden

I use WIMA caps all the time and have no complaints. I guess they're more common here in Europe.
They are pretty small, but have really short legs, which can be tricky sometimes.

Thomas P.

I'm useing WIMA caps all the time, too, since they've got a huge program containing similar types from 2.5mm grid up to 37.5mm grid. Same goes with the voltage. My favorite series is MKS-2 which is available in 5% and 20% tolerance. They also have 2.5% caps.
But as Arno said they've got short legs, so you have to buy the exact grid you need.
Another good thing is that the value range of the MKS-2 goes from 10nF to 10uF(!) so you don't have to mind any electrolytics in your signal line.
god said...
∇ ⋅ D = ρ
∇ x E = - ∂B/∂t
∇ ⋅ B = 0
∇ x H = ∂D/∂t + j
...and then there was light


Yep, me to, loving WIMA. They sound very clear compared to a lot of other types.
 Polystyrene are my favorites but don't come in larger values and can be expensive.
 Anybody know where to get polystyrene caps reasonably priced?


actually mouser sells some cheap xicon polystyrene i use a lot.  be careful when soldering.


where can i get some wima caps i want to try some.  i live in the states.