New PPl New Topic

Started by petemoore, November 10, 2003, 12:13:09 PM

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I just wanted to say hey back to the New Posters here !!!
 You Wanna learn, and WILL Learn.
 Nothing like hands on experience with help from above !!!
 My learning curve went from moving horizontally from left to right, to shooting nearly straight up...I'm no advanced EE, however I can find my way around, through, and inside a ckt.
 I always visit this site upon startyp of the puter, and also at least ten times more than all the other sites combined.
 When I started building I was using a digital unit and a couple Boss [OD and DS1], they are long since history [whew ... I got rid of the Digithingy], The only commercial efkt I use is the Reverb echo.
 All the clean, dirty, Fuzzy, distortion, Vibe, Env. filters, Octaves, and Boosts, have REALLY metamorphized my guitar from pseudo-average to super spectacular. The commercail efkts. [mostly under 100$ per unit] pale in comparison, [IMO] and have been liquidated and replaced by hand made units.
 I wanted to thread this to the existing Post, but only got this typable page [after some rooting around] so decided to post a new topic.
 Anyway welcome...I'm sure that's on behalf of the great folks that hang out here ........... !!!
 Enjoy your stay, and be sure to get some great reads from GEO, and all the other links available from the top of this page !
 I warn Ppl of the fumes hazard and urge that a smoke-remover [ I use a square cooling fan from microwave oven in a tube that carries away all the solder smoke] be used, expecially if you're planning to build more than a few ckts.     A 'hard pulling' fan could be used with a small diameter metal tube taped to the iron so that it pulls the smoke directly from the tip [the end of the 1/4 to 3/8'' metal tubes end is right next to the tip of the iron] the other end of the metal tube at the handle of the iron fits into a flexible tube so you can move the iron around. Either way my eyes and nose like it much better this way...I just put the tube over the header and into the next room [outside would be better but] so the fumes don't accumulate in the shoproom.
Convention creates following, following creates convention.


Any questions, just ask...the thread posted itself for some reason...actin' lil'l funny...I just wanted to say hey and welcome the 'newbies' [like I was last year... still got a little newb in me]
and enjoy your stay !!!
Convention creates following, following creates convention.