Some different Ge diodes

Started by thermionix, September 19, 2018, 03:56:20 PM

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Thanks!  Those are "right at" what's usually recommended for Klons.  The first diode set I tried was .356 and .352, 1N270s (I think) from Tayda.  They sounded really dull.  Then I switched to the D9Es with lower Vf and it came to life.  I don't know how much of that is the specific type, the Vf, or how matched they are (or aren't).  Now these Toshibas are a third sound, but much closer to the D9Es than the first set.  Similar tone, but a spongier feel, if that makes any sense.

When I googled the OA7s the other day, I saw claims of Vf ~.24V.  But I guess we get different readings from different meters.  I'm using a Fluke 73, if I'm interpreting the manual data correctly it's testing germs at about 600µA.