Search for cheap and modable Expression Pedals

Started by Alex.H, February 12, 2019, 04:47:26 PM

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I'm building up my Meat Sphere (soldering a little, waiting for parts, reading here a lot) and stumbled over one fact: The original Meat Ball from Lovepedal had the feature, to connect two expression pedals. One for the decay and one for the intensity. I don't know about the original poti values, but the design from taylor has a B1K (linear) for intensity and a A100K (log) for decay. I would fancy to possibility to attach expresion pedals and there are 6.3mm double switching jacks around, which I could use to switch from internal poti to external expression pedals.

Both values are uncommon for normal expression pedals. I looked around a little bit and found nothing.

The cheapest expression pedals around are using 1/4 turn (70°) potentiometers. Sadly I was not able to find those for a reasonable price. You can get them as "speed" poti for guitars for 15,- to 20,- EUR but that is the price for a cheap expression pedal. So hopefully someone has an idea where to get 1/4 turn poti cheaper. I searched for 1/4 turn, but 1/4" is a standard shaft thickness so I got a lot of false positives.

The better option would be pedal, where I could simply change a standard poti with 270° turn. Any idea what pedals could be used?