KiCad footprint for standard 16mm pots?

Started by BluffChill, June 05, 2019, 04:30:58 PM

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I've just started using KiCad as an alternative to Eagle, which I've used for several years. I like it so far - it's taking some getting used to as it's VERY different.

So I drew up a PCB for a simple circuit with the intention of getting it fabbed. It went well, until I couldn't find a footprint to use for the uniquitous 16mm Alpha style pots. I got around it in the end by replacing the circuit element with three large pads, but now the circuit looks silly and I'd like to be able to use a proper one (preferably with a square pad to denote pin 1, like in the Madbean library used in Eagle).

Does anyone know of such a thing? Or where I can obtain one? Or if I've missed something entirely?
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