LED always on. Backwards?

Started by fuzz guy, November 01, 2019, 11:35:30 PM

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fuzz guy

I built an EP Boost copy awhile back, but in my haste to finish it I bodged up the enclosure. I finally got around to swapping it into a new one, and decided to change out the original red LED for a blue one.

Everything is working, except the LED is always on. The only thing I can think of is that I put it in backwards. Could that cause this issue?


Sounds more like a wiring issue. Does the effect bypass and engage correctly? Can you share good photos of your wiring?


Wiring issue, or switch is bad, but the 3pdts don't usually fail as shorts....
Glob of solder touching something, even leg of led grounding out against bezel/enclosure.....

fuzz guy

Everything was working fine before I changed enclosures. I de-soldered the LED and DC jack, swapped enclosures and re-soldered. I can't see any stray blobs of solder or any part of the LED legs touching anything. The 3PDT is engaging/disengaging the circuit as it should.

fuzz guy

I pulled the 3PDT daughterboard out and the LED began functioning properly. One of the legs was touching the enclosure right at the base. Looks like it was either made with the leg base exposed, or maybe a bit of the plastic broke off. A little bit of sticky tape and it's all good. Thanks guys.