Tonegod Rock N' Control Values

Started by bside2234, March 23, 2020, 10:47:43 AM

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I have this on the breadboard right now. It's working but the LED's are switching over pretty fast. Meaning there isn't really any transition between off and on. It's basically just turning each LED on and off. If I move the control potentiometer extremely slow I can see a bit of transition on a very small part of the sweep.

My intent is to put this in a Crybaby wah. I've been messing with the values for a couple days now but I'm wondering if anyone can help me get this thing working better by suggesting better values to try.

I'm obviously using the 3-pole version here.
The values I have as of the moment are:
R1/R2 - 100K - I actually don't have these on the breadboard yet as I'm just working on getting a smooth transition between the LED's right now.
R3/R4 - 51Ω - I assume this doesn't have to be too big of a value. It's just to prevent the LED from seeing 0 volts and burning out. Right?
R5 - 1K - No idea what value is good here yet

LED's - 5mm Green

Trim 1/Trim 2 - 22K - Haven't figured out what works best here yet either but smaller than 22K seems to not do much at all.
Trim 3 - 22K - No idea what value trimmer is best here yet.

Q1 - 2N3906
Q2 - 2N3904

I keep reading to watch the Hfe of the transistors but watch for what? Should I have lower or higher Hfe ones in there? Should I match the Hfe of both?

Ben N



Quote from: Ben N on March 23, 2020, 12:48:44 PM
R3/R4 should not be less than 1k.
I originally started with every resistor at 1K. Dropped these two down to 51Ω because the LED's didn't seem like they were getting very close to how bright I think they should be.
I'll put them back to 1K if you really think 51Ω is too low. They didn't burn out when I had the trimmer at 0Ω. Is that what they are for or is there something else I'm not seeing? Does having them too bright affect the rest of the bias of the two LED's or something? In my head I think these resistors should be low value and the pot in series a higher value.

Ben N

Just going by what I've seen, but that is surprising. I've seen as high as 47k with superbright LEDs.


Went back to 1K on the LED's. It's not AS bright but I think it will be bright enough. What I found out is the "transition" between the two LED is even less when I have them really bright so going back to 1K has made it slightly better but it's still super fast transition. I thought I'd try to match some transistors to see if it helps. Got the closest ones possible in my stock and it made no difference at all.

I'm just using some run of the mill diffused green LEDs. I have some super bright/clear ones I suppose I could try and see if it's any different.