Help with Aion Graviton Pedal

Started by thursday2, April 18, 2020, 04:50:55 AM

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Sorry, it beeps in continuity mode


So no dodgy grounds found

That's good

Now that you're into continuity checking perhaps check your in and outs page 9 of the build doc shows all the pcbs together

So from your main pcb check your in and out connect to the 3PDT board, pcb in and pcb out pads then your jin and jout connect to the in and out on the input pcb and the in and out then connect to your in and out jack tips (T ) you should be able to get your meter probes into the back of those plastic plugs as you need to

The way a 3PDT is normally connected is you'd have your in and out jack tips going to the middle common row then your effect circuit to the top row and bypass to the bottom row and you just click or throw between them

So firstly check that when clicked 1 way your middle 3 lugs connect to the top lugs and clicked the other way middle 3 connect to bottom 3

You can also check your in and outs have continuity with thier corresponding 3PDT lugs and also check you have continuity on the bypass lugs

So the way aion wire it in bypass your top left 3PDT lug would connect to your bottom right

In effects mode on the 3PDT board, pcb in would connect to the middle row left and pcb out to the top right lug

Shown in the pic

I hope that's all correct I'm at work using my phone and hopefully you don't already know all this!

If you've got the parts you should make an audio probe definitely a great debugging tool once you're used to using it then you could just probe your main pcb in pad and hear if audio's going in and save yourself a lot of continuity checking and reading another novel!


Thanks Billy! 

I get continuity readings on all of those except the input (T).  So I would imagine it needs some attention/solder. 

Additionally, before i started prodding around in there, I decided to try it with the full enclosure on.  Now what I am getting is no sound when in bypass mode, but when engaged, my guitar comes through relatively clean but adjusting the knobs changes the tone and the background fuzz is altered as well.  On certain settings I get a high pitched whine. 

Also, I retested my ICs and transistors last night and the values are still the same.

This might just be me saving face but I consider that progress, so thank you all!


Okay, messing with the cables changes everything.  If I move them around a certain way, I get a clean sound with distorted noise when activated, but if they slightly adjusted, I get a clean sound on bypass but nothing when activated. 

So might this be partially an equipment issue as someone suggested earlier?

Side note: I did not fix that input joint yet.


When you say cables do you mean the white plastic connectors?


No, the guitar cables, but i think the enclosure is making contact with the wires going from the i/o pcb to the switch


You can use the same method you used for your grounds to see if anything else has continuity with the enclosure that shouldn't have

If you got the enclosure from aion it should be a perfect fit with board mounted pots it should be clear of the enclosure you can always stick some insulation in like a piece of cardboard to see if it makes a difference 

It sounds like you've got a loose / bad connection somewhere maybe go ahead and try reflowing the IN tip connection 

Your guitar cables not one of those fender one's is it? even though you said it works OK with your flanger best to double check its good either wiggle it around whilst in the flanger or unscrew the cable jacks to see if it's all good

Even though it might not seem like it you're definitely getting somewhere you know you're getting audio in and out albeit intermittent so that's progress!