Aion Electronics Nimbus - no effect

Started by ajhuff, June 19, 2020, 05:20:46 PM

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Marcos - Munky

-9V on pin 4 and +9V on pin 8? Then now it's time to put the ICs back and enjoy your pedal!

What was going on? Nobody knows lol but maybe it was some invisible solder bridge somewhere, that you ended up scrapping with the tip of the probe while you did the measures, or some dirt/oxidation on the IC pins.


I'm sure it was my lack of understanding of the metal jack, the two diodes soldered in wrong, and a whole lot of learning how the meter works. I'll get it buttoned up and report back. Thanks!


Marcos - Munky

It was related to the metal jack. But the diodes aren't part of the problem. Since they're for clipping, if you got the circuit working at first try, you won't get a distorted sound.

But anyway, let us know how it goes.


Hah. Well we spoke to soon. My plastic jack from Mouser came today. Kobiconn 163-4302. I can't  understand how it gets wired. I've tried two combinations so far and in both times I don't get any voltage between +9V and GND. I did all the checks like we did before. And the battery got hot. I'll try again tomorrow. The metal jack only had two connections so it was easy when you told me to switch them. This one has three. I guessed wrong twice in a row.

Also, maybe it's not significant but the battery plug went into the metal jack all the way flush. It doesn't on the plastic jack. Might be an 1/8" still to go.


Marcos - Munky

I must confess I don't know the exact pinout of this kind of jack :icon_redface: :icon_lol:. It's the pinout Willienillie posted. What I do is I know the "dotted" pin is connected to the center pin, so it's negative. For the other two, I know one is for battery +, other is for board V+. Both are for positive, I just jump them together and connect them to board V+ since I don't use batteries at all.

For the plug not entering flush, some of these jacks have thinner central pins, while other have thicker central pins. The same goes for the plugs, some of them have larger holes.


Quote from: willienillie on June 24, 2020, 02:52:59 AM

That was the secret hand shake! Thank you. In my unskillmind I thought power came from the middle. Learning a lot here!



OMG!!!! It works! It actually works! I can't tell all of you how much I am grateful for your patience. I was overwhelmed and distraught about to give up when I searched Google and found this forum. I sure learned a lot. I'm not sure I'm up to doing another one but I know I couldn't have done it without you. Especially Marcos.



Marcos - Munky

Nice to hear it's woking! The best thing is you didn't gave up, so we could work on the effect until finding what was wrong. And you'll surely will do another one sooner than you think :icon_twisted:


Quote from: ajhuff on June 23, 2020, 11:31:31 PM
I can't  understand how it gets wired. I've tried two combinations so far . . .

Quote from: ajhuff
I thought power came from the middle.

Guessing isn't a good strategy.   ;)   Read the datasheets if you're unsure.  You should be able to find datasheets for everything, including DC jacks.  If you can't get a datasheet for something you're going to buy - and it's not obvious - then don't buy it; you'll just be inviting grief.

But good that all is working now.  As you say, lots of learning on the way.  Don't stop doing that.  :)
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...