Is this the correct wiring for Proco RAT?

Started by mushjoon, July 05, 2020, 06:33:30 AM

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Hi everyone,

This is my second build after trying out the beginner's boost pedal from Beavis Audio.

I'm trying to build Proco RAT cuz it seemed like the proper pedal for me as the next step to take.

I used DIY Layout Creator to make a wiring of my own by looking at the Proco RAT schematic from Electrosmash.

Am I doing this correctly here?


Hello... ;D
I found some things that you maybe should take note of...  :D

C1 is connected to nothing...
Pin3 of IC should be connected in between R3 and C2...
Distortion pot shouldn't be connected to ground...
Pin7 shouldn't be connected to 4.5v, but to 9v...
Tone pot has shouldn't be connected to ground also...
JFET wiring is quite wrong too....
Volume pot to 3pdt looks odd...
Off-board wiring...(putting the input+ and input- in the same node? ;)
The 3pdt wiring doesn't really make sense... (would short 9v and GND... yikes!)

Don't worry if you get a lot of mistakes... we all had them too..(even until now!  ;) :D)
Sorry if I missed anyhing out... I also suggest making the board smaller... but that's for next time... ;)
flip flop flip flop flip