RIAA style recovery stage in BARBER ELECTRONICS LTD SILVER OD pedal

Started by Vivek, November 05, 2020, 07:30:11 AM

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This is the Final stage that follows the clipper stage and the tone control stage. It has trimmers to set EQ.


what is the curve of the gain/clipping stage??? because that seems like an awfully dark sounding 'recovery stage' or is the tone control just so lossy?

cheers, Iain
friendly reminder: all holes are positive and have negative weight, despite not being there.



It appears that Mr Barber chose those values for best sound.

Many people do report that the BARBER LTD SILVER sounds very good.

The last RIAA stage is active and can give 26dB boost to the bass, hence it does not have insertion loss.

Maybe it forces the RIAA stage to clip instead !!!!

The EQ curves dont look dark for all options even though it can be set that way. There are many milder settings available too.

The Clipper stage has a second order pre-distortion filter.